path: root/scripts/.local/bin/personal/klimperklamper
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/.local/bin/personal/klimperklamper')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/.local/bin/personal/klimperklamper b/scripts/.local/bin/personal/klimperklamper
deleted file mode 100755
index 6bd15ad..0000000
--- a/scripts/.local/bin/personal/klimperklamper
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import random
-import sys
-import os
-slowLength = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
-mediumLength = [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
-fastLength = [ 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 ]
-notes = [ "c", "cis", "d", "dis", "e", "f", "fis", "g", "gis", "a", "ais", "b" ]
-string = '\\version "2.22.1"\n\\header {\ntitle = "Die Dissonanz der Schulzeit"\nsubtitle = "Musik Klausurersatzleistung"\ncomposer = "David Penkowoj"\ncopyright = ""\ntagline = ""\n}\n\\score {\n\\fixed c\' {\n\\time 4/4\n\\tempo "Allegro" 4 = 160\n'
-variationDict = {
- "normal": [],
- "mirror": [],
- "reverse": [],
- "reverseMirror": [],
-def mirror(noteCopy):
- result = []
- mirrorAxisNote = noteCopy[0]
- baseIndex = notes.index(mirrorAxisNote)
- for note in noteCopy:
- index = notes.index(note)
- newNoteIndex = index + (- 2 * (index - baseIndex))
- result.append(notes[newNoteIndex % len(notes)])
- return result
-def reverse(noteCopy):
- return noteCopy[::-1]
-def reverseMirror(noteCopy):
- return mirror(noteCopy)[::-1]
-def randomVariation(rand):
- rand = random.randrange(1, 5)
- if rand == 1:
- return variationDict["normal"].copy(), "Grundreihe"
- if rand == 2:
- return variationDict["mirror"].copy(), "Umkehrung"
- if rand == 3:
- return variationDict["reverse"].copy(), "Krebs"
- if rand == 4:
- return variationDict["reverseMirror"].copy(), "Krebsumkehrung"
-def getLength(notesCopy, location):
- lengthList = []
- if location <= 1 or location >= 7:
- lengthList = slowLength.copy()
- elif location >= 3 and location <= 5:
- lengthList = fastLength.copy()
- else:
- lengthList = mediumLength.copy()
- # asd
- return lengthList
-def changeLength(notesCopy, location):
- for note in notesCopy:
- index = notesCopy.index(note)
- rand = random.choice(lengthList)
- notesCopy[index] = (f"{note}{rand} ")
- lengthList.remove(rand)
- return notesCopy
-def generateRows():
- notesCopy = notes.copy()
- random.shuffle(notesCopy)
- variationDict["normal"] = notesCopy
- variationDict["mirror"] = mirror(notesCopy)
- variationDict["reverse"] = reverse(notesCopy)
- variationDict["reverseMirror"] = reverseMirror(notesCopy)
-def makeMusescore():
- global string
- string = "#!/usr/local/bin/xdotool\n\n"
- generateRows()
- for i in range(4):
- articualtedVariation, variationType = randomVariation(i)
- getLength(articualtedVariation, i)
- variation = " ".join(articualtedVariation)
- string = f"{string}type {variation}\nkey Enter\n"
- with open("/tmp/klimperklamper", "w") as file:
- file.write(string)
- file.close()
- os.system("nvim /tmp/klimperklamper")
-def makePDF():
- global string
- generateRows()
- for i in range(8):
- articualtedVariation, variationType = randomVariation()
- changeLength(articualtedVariation, i)
- variation = " ".join(articualtedVariation)
- string = f"{string}\\mark \\markup \\smaller \\italic {variationType} {variation}|\\break\n"
- string = string + "}\n\\midi {} \n\\layout {\nindent = 0\\mm\n}\n}"
- with open("/tmp/klimperklamper", "w") as file:
- file.write(string)
- file.close()
- os.system("nvim /tmp/klimperklamper")
- os.system("lilypond -o /tmp/klimperklamper /tmp/klimperklamper")
- os.system("zathura /tmp/klimperklamper.pdf")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- if sys.argv[1] == "musescore":
- makeMusescore()
- else:
- makePDF()