#include ".cache/wal/colors.Xresources" #define font "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font:size=16:pixelsize=21:antialias=true:autohint=true" ! Terminal colors *.color0: c00 *color0: c00 *.color1: c01 *color1: c01 *.color2: c02 *color2: c02 *.color3: c03 *color3: c03 *.color4: c04 *color4: c04 *.color5: c05 *color5: c05 *.color6: c06 *color6: c06 *.color7: c07 *color7: c07 *.color8: c08 *color8: c08 *.color9: c09 *color9: c09 *.color10: c10 *color10: c10 *.color11: c11 *color11: c11 *.color12: c12 *color12: c12 *.color13: c13 *color13: c13 *.color14: c14 *color14: c14 *.color15: c15 *color15: c15 ! Black color that will not be affected by bold highlighting *.color66: c00 *color66: c00 *.background: cbg *background: cbg *.foreground: cfg *foreground: cfg *.primary: cps *primary: cps *.accent: cas *accent: cas Xft.dpi: 137 Xcursor.theme: capitaine-cursors-light dwm.normbordercolor: c08 dwm.normbgcolor: cbg dwm.normfgcolor: cfg dwm.selbordercolor: cps dwm.selbgcolor: cps dwm.selfgcolor: cbg Nsxiv.bar.font: font Nsxiv.bar.background: cps Nsxiv.bar.foreground: cbg Nsxiv.mark.foreground: cps Nsxiv.window.background: cbg Nsxiv.window.foreground: cps xterm*font: *-fixed-*-*-*-28-*