path: root/src/libs/lvgl/src/lv_objx/lv_sw.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/lvgl/src/lv_objx/lv_sw.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/lvgl/src/lv_objx/lv_sw.c b/src/libs/lvgl/src/lv_objx/lv_sw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 428a4af1..00000000
--- a/src/libs/lvgl/src/lv_objx/lv_sw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
- * @file lv_sw.c
- *
- */
- *********************/
-#include "lv_sw.h"
-#if LV_USE_SW != 0
-/*Testing of dependencies*/
-#if LV_USE_SLIDER == 0
-#error "lv_sw: lv_slider is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (LV_USE_SLIDER 1) "
-#include "../lv_core/lv_debug.h"
-#include "../lv_themes/lv_theme.h"
-#include "../lv_misc/lv_math.h"
-#include "../lv_core/lv_indev.h"
- *********************/
-#define LV_OBJX_NAME "lv_sw"
- **********************/
- **********************/
-static lv_res_t lv_sw_signal(lv_obj_t * sw, lv_signal_t sign, void * param);
- **********************/
-static lv_signal_cb_t ancestor_signal;
- **********************/
- **********************/
- * Create a switch objects
- * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new switch
- * @param copy pointer to a switch object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it
- * @return pointer to the created switch
- */
-lv_obj_t * lv_sw_create(lv_obj_t * par, const lv_obj_t * copy)
- LV_LOG_TRACE("switch create started");
- /*Create the ancestor of switch*/
- lv_obj_t * new_sw = lv_slider_create(par, copy);
- LV_ASSERT_MEM(new_sw);
- if(new_sw == NULL) return NULL;
- if(ancestor_signal == NULL) ancestor_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_cb(new_sw);
- /*Allocate the switch type specific extended data*/
- lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_allocate_ext_attr(new_sw, sizeof(lv_sw_ext_t));
- if(ext == NULL) return NULL;
- /*Initialize the allocated 'ext' */
- ext->changed = 0;
- ext->anim_time = 0;
- ext->style_knob_off = ext->slider.style_knob;
- ext->style_knob_on = ext->slider.style_knob;
- /*The signal and design functions are not copied so set them here*/
- lv_obj_set_signal_cb(new_sw, lv_sw_signal);
- /*Init the new switch switch*/
- if(copy == NULL) {
- lv_obj_set_size(new_sw, 2 * LV_DPI / 3, LV_DPI / 3);
- lv_slider_set_knob_in(new_sw, true);
- lv_slider_set_range(new_sw, 0, LV_SW_MAX_VALUE);
- /*Set the default styles*/
- lv_theme_t * th = lv_theme_get_current();
- if(th) {
- lv_sw_set_style(new_sw, LV_SW_STYLE_BG, th->;
- lv_sw_set_style(new_sw, LV_SW_STYLE_INDIC, th->style.sw.indic);
- lv_sw_set_style(new_sw, LV_SW_STYLE_KNOB_OFF, th->style.sw.knob_off);
- lv_sw_set_style(new_sw, LV_SW_STYLE_KNOB_ON, th->style.sw.knob_on);
- } else {
- /*Let the slider' style*/
- }
- }
- /*Copy an existing switch*/
- else {
- lv_sw_ext_t * copy_ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(copy);
- ext->style_knob_off = copy_ext->style_knob_off;
- ext->style_knob_on = copy_ext->style_knob_on;
- ext->anim_time = copy_ext->anim_time;
- if(lv_sw_get_state(new_sw))
- lv_slider_set_style(new_sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, ext->style_knob_on);
- else
- lv_slider_set_style(new_sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, ext->style_knob_off);
- /*Refresh the style with new signal function*/
- lv_obj_refresh_style(new_sw);
- }
- LV_LOG_INFO("switch created");
- return new_sw;
- * Setter functions
- *====================*/
- * Turn ON the switch
- * @param sw pointer to a switch objec
- * @param anim LV_ANOM_ON: set the value with an animation; LV_ANIM_OFF: change the value immediately
- */
-void lv_sw_on(lv_obj_t * sw, lv_anim_enable_t anim)
- anim = LV_ANIM_OFF;
- lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
- lv_slider_set_value(sw, LV_SW_MAX_VALUE, anim);
- lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, ext->style_knob_on);
- * Turn OFF the switch
- * @param sw pointer to a switch object
- * @param anim LV_ANIM_ON: set the value with an animation; LV_ANIM_OFF: change the value immediately
- */
-void lv_sw_off(lv_obj_t * sw, lv_anim_enable_t anim)
- anim = LV_ANIM_OFF;
- lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
- lv_slider_set_value(sw, 0, anim);
- lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, ext->style_knob_off);
- * Toggle the position of the switch
- * @param sw pointer to a switch object
- * @param anim LV_ANIM_ON: set the value with an animation; LV_ANIM_OFF: change the value immediately
- * @return resulting state of the switch.
- */
-bool lv_sw_toggle(lv_obj_t * sw, lv_anim_enable_t anim)
- anim = LV_ANIM_OFF;
- bool state = lv_sw_get_state(sw);
- if(state)
- lv_sw_off(sw, anim);
- else
- lv_sw_on(sw, anim);
- return !state;
- * Set a style of a switch
- * @param sw pointer to a switch object
- * @param type which style should be set
- * @param style pointer to a style
- */
-void lv_sw_set_style(lv_obj_t * sw, lv_sw_style_t type, const lv_style_t * style)
- lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
- switch(type) {
- case LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG: lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG, style); break;
- case LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC: lv_bar_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC, style); break;
- ext->style_knob_off = style;
- if(lv_sw_get_state(sw) == 0) lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, style);
- break;
- ext->style_knob_on = style;
- if(lv_sw_get_state(sw) != 0) lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, style);
- break;
- }
-void lv_sw_set_anim_time(lv_obj_t * sw, uint16_t anim_time)
- lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
- ext->anim_time = anim_time;
- (void)sw;
- (void)anim_time;
- * Getter functions
- *====================*/
- * Get a style of a switch
- * @param sw pointer to a switch object
- * @param type which style should be get
- * @return style pointer to a style
- */
-const lv_style_t * lv_sw_get_style(const lv_obj_t * sw, lv_sw_style_t type)
- const lv_style_t * style = NULL;
- lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
- switch(type) {
- case LV_SW_STYLE_BG: style = lv_slider_get_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG); break;
- case LV_SW_STYLE_INDIC: style = lv_slider_get_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC); break;
- case LV_SW_STYLE_KNOB_OFF: style = ext->style_knob_off; break;
- case LV_SW_STYLE_KNOB_ON: style = ext->style_knob_on; break;
- default: style = NULL; break;
- }
- return style;
-uint16_t lv_sw_get_anim_time(const lv_obj_t * sw)
- lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
- return ext->anim_time;
- (void)sw; /*Unused*/
- return 0;
- **********************/
- * Signal function of the switch
- * @param sw pointer to a switch object
- * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum
- * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable
- * @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted
- */
-static lv_res_t lv_sw_signal(lv_obj_t * sw, lv_signal_t sign, void * param)
- lv_res_t res;
- if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_GET_TYPE) {
- res = ancestor_signal(sw, sign, param);
- if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
- return lv_obj_handle_get_type_signal(param, LV_OBJX_NAME);
- }
- lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
- /*Save the current (old) value before slider signal modifies it. It will be required in the
- * later calculations*/
- int16_t old_val;
- if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_PRESSING)
- old_val = ext->slider.drag_value;
- else
- old_val = lv_slider_get_value(sw);
- /*Don't let the slider to call the action. Switch handles it differently*/
- lv_event_cb_t event_cb = sw->event_cb;
- sw->event_cb = NULL;
- /* Include the ancient signal function */
- res = ancestor_signal(sw, sign, param);
- if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
- sw->event_cb = event_cb;
- if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CLEANUP) {
- /*Nothing to cleanup. (No dynamically allocated memory in 'ext')*/
- } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_PRESSED) {
- /*Save the x coordinate of the pressed point to see if the switch was slid*/
- lv_indev_t * indev = lv_indev_get_act();
- if(indev) {
- lv_point_t p;
- lv_indev_get_point(indev, &p);
- ext->start_x = p.x;
- }
- ext->slided = 0;
- ext->changed = 0;
- } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_PRESSING) {
- /*See if the switch was slid (moved at least a little)*/
- lv_indev_t * indev = lv_indev_get_act();
- if(indev) {
- lv_point_t p = {0, 0};
- lv_indev_get_point(indev, &p);
- if(LV_MATH_ABS(p.x - ext->start_x) > LV_INDEV_DEF_DRAG_LIMIT) ext->slided = 1;
- }
- /*If didn't slide then revert the min/max value. So click without slide won't move the
- * switch as a slider*/
- if(ext->slided == 0) {
- if(lv_sw_get_state(sw))
- ext->slider.drag_value = LV_SW_MAX_VALUE;
- else
- ext->slider.drag_value = 0;
- }
- /*If explicitly changed (by slide) don't need to be toggled on release*/
- int16_t threshold = LV_SW_MAX_VALUE / 2;
- if((old_val < threshold && ext->slider.drag_value > threshold) ||
- (old_val > threshold && ext->slider.drag_value < threshold)) {
- ext->changed = 1;
- }
- } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_PRESS_LOST) {
- if(lv_sw_get_state(sw)) {
- lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, ext->style_knob_on);
- lv_slider_set_value(sw, LV_SW_MAX_VALUE, LV_ANIM_ON);
- if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
- } else {
- lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, ext->style_knob_off);
- lv_slider_set_value(sw, 0, LV_ANIM_ON);
- if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
- }
- } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_RELEASED) {
- /*If not dragged then toggle the switch*/
- if(ext->changed == 0) {
- int32_t state;
- if(lv_sw_get_state(sw)) {
- lv_sw_off(sw, LV_ANIM_ON);
- state = 0;
- } else {
- lv_sw_on(sw, LV_ANIM_ON);
- state = 1;
- }
- res = lv_event_send(sw, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, &state);
- if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
- }
- /*If the switch was dragged then calculate the new state based on the current position*/
- else {
- int16_t v = lv_slider_get_value(sw);
- int32_t state;
- if(v > LV_SW_MAX_VALUE / 2) {
- lv_sw_on(sw, LV_ANIM_ON);
- state = 1;
- } else {
- lv_sw_off(sw, LV_ANIM_ON);
- state = 0;
- }
- res = lv_event_send(sw, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, &state);
- if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
- }
- } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CONTROL) {
- char c = *((char *)param);
- uint32_t state;
- if(c == LV_KEY_RIGHT || c == LV_KEY_UP) {
- lv_slider_set_value(sw, LV_SW_MAX_VALUE, true);
- state = 1;
- res = lv_event_send(sw, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, &state);
- if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
- } else if(c == LV_KEY_LEFT || c == LV_KEY_DOWN) {
- lv_slider_set_value(sw, 0, true);
- state = 0;
- res = lv_event_send(sw, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, &state);
- if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;
- }
- } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_GET_EDITABLE) {
- bool * editable = (bool *)param;
- *editable = false; /*The ancestor slider is editable the switch is not*/
- }
- return res;