path: root/src/libs/mynewt-nimble/docs/btshell/btshell_api.rst
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diff --git a/src/libs/mynewt-nimble/docs/btshell/btshell_api.rst b/src/libs/mynewt-nimble/docs/btshell/btshell_api.rst
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+++ b/src/libs/mynewt-nimble/docs/btshell/btshell_api.rst
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+API for btshell app
+"btshell" is one of the sample applications that come with Mynewt. It is a shell application which provides a basic
+interface to the host-side of the BLE stack. "btshell" includes all the possible roles (Central/Peripheral) and they may
+be run simultaneously. You can run btshell on a board and issue commands that make it behave as a central or a peripheral
+with different peers.
+**btshell** is a new application that uses shell subsystem introduced in Mynewt 1.1 and has updated commands and
+parameters names. Thanks to support for tab completion commands names are more descriptive and self-explanatory
+without requiring extensive typing.
+Highlighted below are some of the ways you can use the API to establish connections and discover services and
+characteristics from peer devices. For descriptions of the full API, go to the next sections on
+:doc:`btshell_GAP` and :doc:`btshell_GATT`.
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+ :depth: 2
+.. toctree::
+ :hidden:
+ :titlesonly:
+ GAP <btshell_GAP>
+ GATT <btshell_GATT>
+ btshell_advdata
+Set device address.
+On startup, btshell has the following identity address configuration:
+- Public address: None
+- Random address: None
+The below ``set`` commands can be used to change the address configuration:
+ set addr_type=public addr=<device-address>
+ set addr_type=random addr=<device-address>
+For example:
+ set addr_type=public addr=01:02:03:04:05:06
+ set addr_type=random addr=c1:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee
+The address configuration can be viewed with the ``gatt-show-addr`` command, as follows:
+ gatt-show-addr
+ public_id_addr=01:02:03:04:05:06 random_id_addr=c1:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee
+Initiate a direct connection to a device
+In this case, your board is acting as a central and initiating a connection with another BLE device. The example
+assumes you know the address of the peer, either by scanning for available peers or because you have set up the peer
+.. code-block:: none
+ :emphasize-lines: 1
+ connect peer_addr=d4:f5:13:53:d2:43
+ connection established; handle=1 our_ota_addr_type=0 our_ota_addr=0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f out_id_addr_type=0 our_id_addr=0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f peer_addr_type=0 peer_addr=43:d2:53:13:f5:d4 conn_itvl=40 conn_latency=0 supervision_timeout=256 encrypted=0 authenticated=0 bonded=0
+The ``handle=1`` in the output indicates that it is connection-1.
+Configure advertisements to include device name
+In this case, your board is acting as a peripheral.
+With Extended Advertising enabled (should be executed after advertise-configure):
+ advertise-set-adv-data name=<your-device-name>
+With Extended Advertising disabled:
+ set-adv-data name=<your-device-name>
+Begin sending undirected general advertisements
+In this case, your board is acting as a peripheral.
+With Extended Advertising enabled:
+ advertise-configure connectable=1 legacy=1 scannable=1
+ advertise-start
+With Extended Advertising disabled:
+ advertise conn=und discov=gen
+Show established connections.
+ gatt-show-conn
+Discover and display peer's services, characteristics, and descriptors.
+This is how you discover and then display the services of the peer you established earlier across connection-1.
+.. code-block:: none
+ :emphasize-lines: 1,2
+ gatt-discover-full conn=1
+ gatt-show
+ [ts=132425ssb, mod=64 level=2] CONNECTION: handle=1 addr=d4:f5:13:53:d2:43
+ [ts=132428ssb, mod=64 level=2] start=1 end=5 uuid=0x1800
+ [ts=132433ssb, mod=64 level=2] start=6 end=16 uuid=0x1808
+ [ts=132437ssb, mod=64 level=2] start=17 end=31 uuid=0x180a
+ [ts=132441ssb, mod=64 level=2] start=32 end=65535 uuid=00000000-0000-1000-1000000000000000
+Read an attribute belonging to the peer
+ gatt-read conn=1 attr=21
+Write to an attribute belonging to the peer
+ gatt-write conn=1 attr=3 value=0x01:0x02:0x03
+Perform a passive scan
+This is how you tell your board to listen to all advertisements around it. The duration is specified in ms.
+ scan duration=1000 passive=1 filter=no_wl