path: root/src/libs/mynewt-nimble/docs/btshell
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diff --git a/src/libs/mynewt-nimble/docs/btshell/btshell_GAP.rst b/src/libs/mynewt-nimble/docs/btshell/btshell_GAP.rst
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+GAP API for btshell
+Generic Access Profile (GAP) defines the generic procedures related to discovery of Bluetooth devices (idle mode
+procedures) and link management aspects of connecting to Bluetooth devices (connecting mode procedures). It also defines
+procedures related to use of different security levels.
+Several different modes and procedures may be performed simultaneously over an LE physical transport. The following
+modes and procedures are defined for use over an LE physical transport:
+1. **Broadcast mode and observation procedure**
+ - These allow two devices to communicate in a unidirectional connectionless manner using the advertising events.
+2. **Discovery modes and procedures**
+ - All devices shall be in either non-discoverable mode or one of the discoverable modes.
+ - A device in the discoverable mode shall be in either the general discoverable mode or the limited discoverable mode.
+ - A device in non-discoverable mode will not be discovered by any device that is performing either the general
+ discovery procedure or the limited discovery procedure.
+3. **Connection modes and procedures**
+ - allow a device to establish a connection to another device.
+ - allow updating of parameters of the connection
+ - allow termination of the connection
+4. **Bonding modes and procedures**
+ - Bonding allows two connected devices to exchange and store security and identity information to create a trusted
+ relationship.
+ - Bonding can occur only between two devices in bondable mode.
+Available commands
+Parameters default values are marked red.
+| **Command** | **Parmeters** | \*\* Possible values\*\* | **Description** |
+| **set** | | | Set configuration options |
+| | addr | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | Local device address |
+| | addr\_type | ``public`` | Local device address type |
+| | | random | Use random address for scan requests |
+| | mtu | [23-UINT16\_MAX] | GATT Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) |
+| | irk | XX:XX:XX... | Local Identity Resolving Key (16 byte |
+| **set-priv-mode** | | | Set privacy mode for device |
+| | addr | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | Remote device address |
+| | addr\_type | ``public`` | Remote device public address type |
+| | | random | Remote device random address type |
+| | mode | [``0``-1] | 0 - use network privacy, 1 - use device privacy |
+| **white-list** | | | Add devices to white list (this command accepts multiple instances of addr and addr\_type parameters) |
+| | addr | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | Remote device address |
+| | addr\_type | ``public`` | Remote device public address type |
+| | | random | Remote device random address type |
+Device discovery and connection
+| **Command** | **Parmeters** | \*\* Possible values\*\* | **Description** |
+| **scan** | | | Discover remote devices |
+| | cancel | | cancel ongoing scan procedure |
+| | extended | ``none`` | Start legacy scan |
+| | | 1M | Start extended scan on 1M PHY |
+| | | coded | Start extended scan on Coded PHY |
+| | | both | Start extended scan on both PHYs |
+| | duration | [1-``INT32_MAX``], | Duration of scan in milliseconds |
+| | limited | [``0``-1] | Use limited discovery procedure |
+| | passive | [``0``-1] | Use passive scan |
+| | interval | [``0``-UINT16\_MAX] | Scan interval, if 0 use stack's default |
+| | window | [``0``-UINT16\_MAX] | Scan window, if 0 use stack's default |
+| | filter | ``no_wl`` | Scan filter policy - Accept all advertising packets |
+| | | use\_wl | Accept only advertising packets from devices on White List |
+| | | no\_wl\_inita | Accept all advertising packets (including directed RPA) |
+| | | use\_wl\_inita | Accept only advertising packets from devices on White List (including directed RPA) |
+| | nodups | [``0``-1] | Disable duplicates filtering |
+| | own\_addr\_type | ``public`` | Use public address for scan requests |
+| | | random | Use random address for scan requests |
+| | | rpa\_pub | Use RPA address for scan requests (fallback to public if no IRK) |
+| | | rpa\_rnd | Use RPA address for scan requests (fallback to random if no IRK) |
+| | extended\_duration | [``0``-UINT16\_MAX] | Duration of extended scan in 10 milliseconds |
+| | extended\_period | [``0``-UINT16\_MAX] | Periodic scan interval in 1.28 seconds (0 disabled) |
+| | longrange\_interval | [``0``-UINT16\_MAX] | Scan interval for Coded Scan , if 0 use stack's default |
+| | longrange\_window | [``0``-UINT16\_MAX] | Scan window for Coded Scan , if 0 use stack's default |
+| | longrange\_passive | [``0``-1] | Use passive scan for Coded Scan |
+| **connect** | | | Initiate connection to remote device |
+| | cancel | | Cancel ongoing connection procedure |
+| | extended | ``none`` | Use legacy connection procedure |
+| | | 1M | Extended connect using 1M PHY scan parameters |
+| | | coded | Extended connect using Coded PHY scan parameters |
+| | | both | Extended connect using 1M and Coded PHYs scan parameters |
+| | | all | Extended connect using 1M and Coded PHYs scan parameters (Provide also connection parameters for 2M PHY) |
+| | peer\_addr\_type | ``public`` | Remote device public address type |
+| | | random | Remote device random address type |
+| | | public\_id | Remote device public address type (Identity) |
+| | | random\_id | Remote device random address type (Identity) |
+| | peer\_addr | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | Remote device address |
+| | own\_addr\_type | ``public`` | Use public address for scan requests |
+| | | random | Use random address for scan requests |
+| | | rpa\_pub | Use RPA address for scan requests (fallback to public if no IRK) |
+| | | rpa\_rnd | Use RPA address for scan requests (fallback to random if no IRK) |
+| | duration | [``0``-INT32\_MAX] | Connection attempt duration, if 0 use stack's default |
+| | scan\_interval | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Scan interval, default: 0x0010 |
+| | scan\_window | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Scan window, default: 0x0010 |
+| | interval\_min | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Minimum connection interval, default: 30 |
+| | interval\_max | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Maximum connection interval, default: 50 |
+| | latency | [UINT16] | Connection latency, default: 0 |
+| | timeout | [UINT16] | Connection timeout, default: 0x0100 |
+| | min\_conn\_event\_len | [UINT16] | Minimum length of connection event, default: 0x0010 |
+| | max\_conn\_event\_len | [UINT16] | Maximum length of connection event, default: 0x0300 |
+| | coded\_scan\_interval | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Coded PHY Scan interval, default: 0x0010 |
+| | coded\_scan\_window | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Coded PHY Scan window, default: 0x0010 |
+| | coded\_interval\_min | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Coded PHY Minimum connection interval, default: 30 |
+| | coded\_interval\_max | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Coded PHY Maximum connection interval, default: 50 |
+| | coded\_latency | [UINT16] | Coded PHY Connection latency, default: 0 |
+| | coded\_timeout | [UINT16] | Coded PHY Connection timeout, default: 0x0100 |
+| | coded\_min\_conn\_event\_len | [UINT16] | Coded PHY Minimum length of connection event, default: 0x0010 |
+| | coded\_max\_conn\_event\_len | [UINT16] | Coded PHY Maximum length of connection event, default: 0x0300 |
+| | 2M\_scan\_interval | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | 2M PHY Scan interval, default: 0x0010 |
+| | 2M\_scan\_window | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | 2M PHY Scan window, default: 0x0010 |
+| | 2M\_interval\_min | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | 2M PHY Minimum connection interval, default: 30 |
+| | 2M\_interval\_max | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | 2M PHY Maximum connection interval, default: 50 |
+| | 2M\_latency | [UINT16] | 2M PHY Connection latency, default: 0 |
+| | 2M\_timeout | [UINT16] | 2M PHY Connection timeout, default: 0x0100 |
+| | 2M\_min\_conn\_event\_len | [UINT16] | 2M PHY Minimum length of connection event, default: 0x0010 |
+| | 2M\_max\_conn\_event\_len | [UINT16] | 2M PHY Maximum length of connection event, default: 0x0300 |
+| **disconnect** | | | Disconnect exisiting connection |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | reason | [UINT8] | Disconnect reason |
+| **show-addr** | | | Show local public and random identity addresses |
+| **show-conn** | | | Show current connections |
+| **conn-rssi** | | | Obtain RSSI of specified connection |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| **conn-update-params** | | | Update parameters of specified connection |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | interval\_min | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Minimum connection interval, default: 30 |
+| | interval\_max | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Maximum connection interval, default: 50 |
+| | latency | [UINT16] | Connection latency, default: 0 |
+| | timeout | [UINT16] | Connection timeout, default: 0x0100 |
+| | min\_conn\_event\_len | [UINT16] | Minimum length of connection event, default: 0x0010 |
+| | max\_conn\_event\_len | [UINT16] | Maximum length of connection event, default: 0x0300 |
+| **conn-datalen** | | | Set DLE parmaeters for connection |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | octets | [UINT16] | Maximum transmission packet size |
+| | time | [UINT16] | Maximum transmission packet time |
+| **phy-set** | | | Set prefered PHYs used for connection |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | tx\_phys\_mask | [UINT8] | Prefered PHYs on TX is mask of following bits0x00 - no preference0x01 - 1M, 0x02 - 2M, 0x04 - Coded |
+| | rx\_phys\_mask | [UINT8] | Prefered PHYs on RX is mask of following bits0x00 - no preference0x01 - 1M, 0x02 - 2M, 0x04 - Coded |
+| | phy\_opts | [UINT16] | Options for Coded PHY 0 - any coding, 1 - prefer S2, 2 - prefer S8 |
+| **phy-set-default** | | | Set default prefered PHYs used for new connection |
+| | tx\_phys\_mask | [UINT8] | Prefered PHYs on TX is mask of following bits0x00 - no preference0x01 - 1M, 0x02 - 2M, 0x04 - Coded |
+| | rx\_phys\_mask | [UINT8] | Prefered PHYs on RX is mask of following bits0x00 - no preference0x01 - 1M, 0x02 - 2M, 0x04 - Coded |
+| **phy-read** | | | Read connection current PHY |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| **l2cap-update** | | | Update connection parameters |
+| | interval\_min | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Minimum connection interval, default: 30 |
+| | interval\_max | [0-UINT16\_MAX] | Maximum connection interval, default: 50 |
+| | latency | [UINT16] | Connection latency, default: 0 |
+| | timeout | [UINT16] | Connection timeout, default: 0x0100 |
+| **Command** | **Parmeters** | \*\* Possible values\*\* | **Description** |
+| **security-set-data** | | | Set security configuration |
+| | oob-flag | [``0``-1] | Set Out-Of-Band (OOB) flag in Security Manager |
+| | mitm-flag | [``0``-1] | Set Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) flag in Security Manager |
+| | io\_capabilities | 0 | Set Input-Output Capabilities to "DisplayOnly" |
+| | | 1 | Set Input-Output Capabilities to "DisplayYesNo" |
+| | | 2 | Set Input-Output Capabilities to "KeyboardOnly" |
+| | | 3 | Set Input-Output Capabilities to "NoInputNoOutput" |
+| | | 4 | Set Input-Output Capabilities to "KeyboardDisplay" |
+| | our\_key\_dist | [UINT8] | Set Local Keys Distribution, this is a bit field of possible values: LTK (0x01), IRK (0x02), CSRK (0x04), LTK\_SC(0x08) |
+| | their\_key\_dist | [UINT8] | Set Remote Keys Distribution, this is a bit field of possible values: LTK (0x01), IRK (0x02), CSRK (0x04), LTK\_SC(0x08) |
+| | bonding-flag | [``0``-1] | Set Bonding flag in Security Manager |
+| | sc-flag | [``0``-1] | Set Secure Connections flag in Security Manager |
+| **security-pair** | | | Start pairing procedure |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| **security-encryption** | | | Start encryption procedure |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | ediv | [UINT16] | EDIV for LTK to use (use storage if not provided) |
+| | rand | [UINT64] | Rand for LTK |
+| | ltk | XX:XX:XX... | LTK (16 bytes) |
+| **security-start** | | | Start security procedure (This starts either pairing or encryption depending if keys are stored) |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| **auth-passkey** | | | Reply to Passkey request |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | action | [UINT16] | Action to reply (as received in event) |
+| | key | [0-999999] | Passkey to reply (Input or Display action) |
+| | oob | XX:XX:XX:... | Out-Of-Band secret (16 bytes) (OOB action) |
+| | yesno | Yy-Ny | Confirm passkey (for Passkey Confirm action) |
+Advertising with Extended Advertising enabled
+| **Command** | **Parmeters** | \*\* Possible values\*\* | **Description** |
+| **advertise-configure** | | | Configure new advertising instance |
+| | instance | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX] | Advertising instance |
+| | connectable | [``0``-1] | Use connectable advertising |
+| | scannable | [``0``-1] | Use scannable advertising |
+| | peer\_addr\_type | ``public`` | Remote device public address type |
+| | | random | Remote device random address type |
+| | | public\_id | Remote device public address type (Identity) |
+| | | random\_id | Remote device random address type (Identity) |
+| | peer\_addr | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | Remote device address - if provided perform directed advertising |
+| | own\_addr\_type | ``public`` | Use public address for scan requests |
+| | | random | Use random address for scan requests |
+| | | rpa\_pub | Use RPA address for scan requests (fallback to public if no IRK) |
+| | | rpa\_rnd | Use RPA address for scan requests (fallback to random if no IRK) |
+| | channel\_map | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX} | Primary advertising channels map. If 0 use all channels. |
+| | filter | ``none`` | Advertising filter policy - no filtering, no whitelist used |
+| | | scan | process all connection requests but only scans from white list |
+| | | conn | process all scan request but only connection requests from white list |
+| | | both | ignore all scan and connection requests unless in white list |
+| | interval\_min | [``0``-UINT32\_MAX] | Minimum advertising interval in 0.625 miliseconds If 0 use stack default. |
+| | interval\_max | [``0``-UINT32\_MAX] | Maximum advertising interval in 0.625 miliseconds If 0 use stack default. |
+| | rx\_power | [-127 - ``127``] | Advertising TX power in dBm |
+| | primary\_phy | ``1M`` | Use 1M PHY on primary advertising channels |
+| | | ``coded`` | Use Coded PHY on primary advertising channels |
+| | secondary\_phy | ``1M`` | Use 1M PHY on secondary advertising channels |
+| | | ``coded`` | Use coded PHY on primary advertising channels |
+| | | ``2M`` | Use 2M PHY on primary advertising channels |
+| | sid | [``0``-16] | Adsertising instance SID |
+| | high\_duty | [``0``-1] | Use high\_duty advertising |
+| | anonymous | [``0``-1] | Use anonymous advertising |
+| | legacy | [``0``-1] | Use legacy PDUs for advertising |
+| | include\_tx\_power | [``0``-1] | Include TX power information in advertising PDUs |
+| | scan\_req\_notif | [``0``-1] | Enable SCAN\_REQ notifications |
+| **advertise-set-addr** | | | Configure *random* adress for instance |
+| | instance | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX] | Advertising instance |
+| | addr | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | Random address |
+| **advertise-set-adv-data** | | | Configure advertising instance ADV\_DATA. This allow to configure following TLVs: |
+| **advertise-set-scan-rsp** | | | Configure advertising instance SCAN\_RSP. This allow to configure following TLVs: |
+| | instance | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX] | Advertising instance |
+| | flags | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX] | Flags value |
+| | uuid16 | [UINT16] | 16-bit UUID value (can be passed multiple times) |
+| | uuid16\_is\_complete | [``0``-1] | I 16-bit UUID list is complete |
+| | uuid32 | [UINT32] | 32-bit UUID value (can be passed multiple times) |
+| | uuid32\_is\_complete | [``0``-1] | I 32-bit UUID list is complete |
+| | uuid128 | XX:XX:XX:... | 128-bit UUID value (16 bytes) (can be passed multiple times) |
+| | uuid128\_is\_complete | [``0``-1] | I 128-bit UUID list is complete |
+| | tx\_power\_level | [-127 - 127] | TX Power level to include |
+| | appearance | [UINT16] | Appearance |
+| | name | string | Name |
+| | advertising\_interval | [UINT16] | Advertising interval |
+| | service\_data\_uuid32 | XX:XX:XX:... | 32-bit UUID service data |
+| | service\_data\_uuid128 | XX:XX:XX:... | 128-bit UUID service data |
+| | uri | XX:XX:XX:... | URI |
+| | msg\_data | XX:XX:XX:... | Manufacturer data |
+| | eddystone\_url | string | Eddystone with specified URL |
+| **advertise-start** | | | Start advertising with configured instance |
+| | instance | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX] | Advertising instance |
+| | duration | [``0``-UINT16\_MAX] | Advertising duration in 10ms units. 0 - forver |
+| | max\_events | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX] | Maximum number of advertising events. 0 - no limit |
+| **advertise-stop** | | | Stop advertising |
+| | instance | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX] | Advertising instance |
+| **advertise-remove** | | | Remove configured advertising instance |
+| | instance | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX] | Advertising instance |
+Legacy Advertising with Extended Advertising disabled
+| **Command** | **Parmeters** | \*\* Possible values\*\* | **Description** |
+| **advertise** | | | Enable advertising |
+| | stop | | Stop enabled advertising |
+| | conn | ``und`` | Connectable mode: undirected |
+| | | non | non-connectable |
+| | | dir | directed |
+| | discov | ``gen`` | Discoverable mode: general discoverable |
+| | | ltd | limited discoverable |
+| | | non | non-discoverable |
+| | scannable | [``0``-1] | Use scannable advertising |
+| | peer\_addr\_type | ``public`` | Remote device public address type |
+| | | random | Remote device random address type |
+| | | public\_id | Remote device public address type (Identity) |
+| | | random\_id | Remote device random address type (Identity) |
+| | peer\_addr | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | Remote device address - if provided perform directed advertising |
+| | own\_addr\_type | ``public`` | Use public address for scan requests |
+| | | random | Use random address for scan requests |
+| | | rpa\_pub | Use RPA address for scan requests (fallback to public if no IRK) |
+| | | rpa\_rnd | Use RPA address for scan requests (fallback to random if no IRK) |
+| | channel\_map | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX} | Primary advertising channels map. If 0 use all channels. |
+| | filter | ``none`` | Advertising filter policy - no filtering, no whitelist used |
+| | | scan | process all connection requests but only scans from white list |
+| | | conn | process all scan request but only connection requests from white list |
+| | | both | ignore all scan and connection requests unless in white list |
+| | interval\_min | [``0``-UINT32\_MAX] | Minimum advertising interval in 0.625 miliseconds If 0 use stack default. |
+| | interval\_max | [``0``-UINT32\_MAX] | Maximum advertising interval in 0.625 miliseconds If 0 use stack default. |
+| | high\_duty | [``0``-1] | Use high\_duty advertising |
+| | duration | [``1``-INT32\_MAX] | Advertising duration in ms |
+| **set-adv-data** | | | Configure advertising instance ADV\_DATA. This allow to configure following TLVs: |
+| **set-scan-rsp** | | | Configure advertising instance SCAN\_RSP. This allow to configure following TLVs: |
+| | flags | [``0``-UINT8\_MAX] | Flags value |
+| | uuid16 | [UINT16] | 16-bit UUID value (can be passed multiple times) |
+| | uuid16\_is\_complete | [``0``-1] | I 16-bit UUID list is complete |
+| | uuid32 | [UINT32] | 32-bit UUID value (can be passed multiple times) |
+| | uuid32\_is\_complete | [``0``-1] | I 32-bit UUID list is complete |
+| | uuid128 | XX:XX:XX:... | 128-bit UUID value (16 bytes) (can be passed multiple times) |
+| | uuid128\_is\_complete | [``0``-1] | I 128-bit UUID list is complete |
+| | tx\_power\_level | [-127 - 127] | TX Power level to include |
+| | appearance | [UINT16] | Appearance |
+| | name | string | Name |
+| | advertising\_interval | [UINT16] | Advertising interval |
+| | service\_data\_uuid32 | XX:XX:XX:... | 32-bit UUID service data |
+| | service\_data\_uuid128 | XX:XX:XX:... | 128-bit UUID service data |
+| | uri | XX:XX:XX:... | URI |
+| | msg\_data | XX:XX:XX:... | Manufacturer data |
+| | eddystone\_url | string | Eddystone with specified URL |
+L2CAP Connection Oriented Channels
+| **Command** | **Parmeters** | \*\* Possible values\*\* | **Description** |
+| **l2cap-create-server** | | | Create L2CAP server |
+| | psm | [UINT16] | PSM |
+| **l2cap-connect** | | | Connect to remote L2CAP server |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | psm | [UINT16] | PSM |
+| **l2cap-disconnect** | | | Disconnec from L2CAP server |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | idx | [UINT16] | L2CAP connection oriented channel identifier |
+| **l2cap-send** | | | Send data over connected L2CAP channel |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | idx | [UINT16] | L2CAP connection oriented channel identifier |
+| | bytes | [UINT16] | Number of bytes to send (hardcoded data pattern) |
+| **l2cap-show-coc** | | | Show connected L2CAP channels |
+Keys storage
+| **Command** | **Parmeters** | \*\* Possible values\*\* | **Description** |
+| **keystore-add** | | | Add keys to storage |
+| | type | msec | Master Key |
+| | | ssec | Slave Key |
+| | | cccd | Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor |
+| | addr | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | Device address |
+| | addr\_type | ``public`` | Device address type |
+| | | random | Use random address for scan requests |
+| | ediv | [UINT16] | EDIV for LTK to add |
+| | rand | [UINT64] | Rand for LTK |
+| | ltk | XX:XX:XX... | LTK (16 bytes) |
+| | irk | XX:XX:XX... | Identity Resolving Key (16 bytes) |
+| | csrk | XX:XX:XX... | Connection Signature Resolving Key (16 bytes) |
+| **keystore-del** | | | Delete keys from storage |
+| | type | msec | Master Key |
+| | | ssec | Slave Key |
+| | | cccd | Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor |
+| | addr | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | Device address |
+| | addr\_type | ``public`` | Device address type |
+| | | random | Use random address for scan requests |
+| | ediv | [UINT16] | EDIV for LTK to remove |
+| | rand | [UINT64] | Rand for LTK |
+| **keystore-show** | | | Show stored keys |
+| | type | msec | Master Keys |
+| | | ssec | Slave Keys |
+| | | cccd | Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor s |
diff --git a/src/libs/mynewt-nimble/docs/btshell/btshell_GATT.rst b/src/libs/mynewt-nimble/docs/btshell/btshell_GATT.rst
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+GATT feature API for btshell
+GATT(GENERIC ATTRIBUTE PROFILE) describes a service framework using the Attribute Protocol for discovering services,
+and for reading and writing characteristic values on a peer device. There are 11 features defined in the GATT Profile,
+and each of the features is mapped to procedures and sub-procedures:
+Available commands
+Parameters default values (if applicable) are marked red.
+| **Command** | **Parmeters** | \*\* Possible values\*\* | **Description** |
+| **gatt-discover-characteristic** | | | Discover GATT characteristics |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | uuid | [UINT16] | Characteristic UUID |
+| | start | [UINT16] | Discovery start handle |
+| | end | [UINT16] | Discovery end handle |
+| **gatt-discover-descriptor** | | | Discover GATT descriptors |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | start | [UINT16] | Discovery start handle |
+| | end | [UINT16] | Discovery end handle |
+| **gatt-discover-service** | | | Discover services |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | uuid16 | [UINT16] | Service UUID |
+| **gatt-discover-full** | | | Discover services, characteristic and descriptors |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| **gatt-find-included-services** | | | Find included services |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | start | [UINT16] | Discovery start handle |
+| | end | [UINT16] | Discovery end handle |
+| **gatt-exchange-mtu** | | | Initiate ATT MTU exchange procedure |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| **gatt-read** | | | Read attribute |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | long | [``0``-1] | Long read |
+| | attr | [UINT16] | Attribute handle |
+| | offset | [UINT16] | Long read offset value |
+| | uuid | [UINT16] | Characteristic UUID |
+| | start | [UINT16] | Discovery start handle |
+| | end | [UINT16] | Discovery end handle |
+| **gatt-notify** | | | Send notification or indication to all subscribed peers |
+| | attr | [UINT16] | Attribute handle |
+| **gatt-service-changed** | | | Send Services Changed notification |
+| | start | [UINT16] | Start handle |
+| | end | [UINT16] | End handle |
+| **gatt-service-visibility** | | | Set service visibility |
+| | handle | [UINT16] | Service handle |
+| | visibility | [``0``-1] | Service visibility |
+| **gatt-show** | | | Show remote devices discovered databases structure |
+| **gatt-show-local** | | | Show local database structure |
+| **gatt-write** | | | Write attribute |
+| | conn | [UINT16] | Connection handle |
+| | no\_rsp | [``0``-1] | Use Write Without Response |
+| | long | [``0``-1] | Use Long Write procedure |
+| | attr | [UINT16] | Attribute handle |
+| | offset | [UINT16] | Long write offset value |
+| | value | XX:XX:XX... | Data to write |
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+Advertisement Data Fields
+This part defines the advertisement data fields used in the ``btshell`` app. For a complete list of all data types and
+formats used for Extended Inquiry Response (EIR), Advertising Data (AD), and OOB data blocks, refer to the Supplement
+to the Bluetooth Core Specification, CSSv6, available for download
+`here <>`__.
+| **Name** | **Definition** | **Details** | **btshell Notes** |
+| flags | Indicates basic information about the advertiser. | Flags used over the LE physical channel are: \* Limited Discoverable Mode \* General Discoverable Mode \* BR/EDR Not Supported \* Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (Controller) \* Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (Host) | NimBLE will auto-calculate if set to 0. |
+| uuid16 | 16-bit Bluetooth Service UUIDs | Indicates the Service UUID list is incomplete i.e. more 16-bit Service UUIDs available. 16 bit UUIDs shall only be used if they are assigned by the Bluetooth SIG. | Set repeatedly for multiple service UUIDs. |
+| uuid16\_is\_complete | 16-bit Bluetooth Service UUIDs | Indicates the Service UUID list is complete. 16 bit UUIDs shall only be used if they are assigned by the Bluetooth SIG. | |
+| uuid32 | 32-bit Bluetooth Service UUIDs | Indicates the Service UUID list is incomplete i.e. more 32-bit Service UUIDs available. 32 bit UUIDs shall only be used if they are assigned by the Bluetooth SIG. | Set repeatedly for multiple service UUIDs. |
+| uuid32\_is\_complete | 32-bit Bluetooth Service UUIDs | Indicates the Service UUID list is complete. 32 bit UUIDs shall only be used if they are assigned by the Bluetooth SIG. | |
+| uuid128 | Global 128-bit Service UUIDs | More 128-bit Service UUIDs available. | Set repeatedly for multiple service UUIDs. |
+| uuid128\_is\_complete | Global 128-bit Service UUIDs | Complete list of 128-bit Service UUIDs | |
+| tx\_power\_level | TX Power Level | Indicates the transmitted power level of the packet containing the data type. The TX Power Level data type may be used to calculate path loss on a received packet using the following equation: pathloss = Tx Power Level – RSSI where “RSSI” is the received signal strength, in dBm, of the packet received. | NimBLE will auto-calculate if set to -128. |
+| slave\_interval\_range | Slave Connection Interval Range | Contains the Peripheral’s preferred connection interval range, for all logical connections. Size: 4 Octets . The first 2 octets defines the minimum value for the connection interval in the following manner: connIntervalmin = Conn\_Interval\_Min \* 1.25 ms Conn\_Interval\_Min range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80 Value of 0xFFFF indicates no specific minimum. The other 2 octets defines the maximum value for the connection interval in the following manner: connIntervalmax = Conn\_Interval\_Max \* 1.25 ms Conn\_Interval\_Max range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80 Conn\_Interval\_Max shall be equal to or greater than the Conn\_Interval\_Min. Value of 0xFFFF indicates no specific maximum. | |
+| service\_data\_uuid16 | Service Data - 16 bit UUID | Size: 2 or more octets The first 2 octets contain the 16 bit Service UUID followed by additional service data | |
+| public\_target\_address | Public Target Address | Defines the address of one or more intended recipients of an advertisement when one or more devices were bonded using a public address. This data type shall exist only once. It may be sent in either the Advertising or Scan Response data, but not both. | |
+| appearance | Appearance | Defines the external appearance of the device. The Appearance data type shall exist only once. It may be sent in either the Advertising or Scan Response data, but not both. | |
+| advertising\_interval | Advertising Interval | Contains the advInterval value as defined in the Core specification, Volume 6, Part B, Section | |
+| service\_data\_uuid32 | Service Data - 32 bit UUID | Size: 4 or more octets The first 4 octets contain the 32 bit Service UUID followed by additional service data | |
+| service\_data\_uuid128 | Service Data - 128 bit UUID | Size: 16 or more octets The first 16 octets contain the 128 bit Service UUID followed by additional service data | |
+| uri | Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) | Scheme name string and URI as a UTF-8 string | |
+| mfg\_data | Manufacturer Specific data | Size: 2 or more octets The first 2 octets contain the Company Identifier Code followed by additional manufacturer specific data | |
+| eddystone\_url | | | |
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+API for btshell app
+"btshell" is one of the sample applications that come with Mynewt. It is a shell application which provides a basic
+interface to the host-side of the BLE stack. "btshell" includes all the possible roles (Central/Peripheral) and they may
+be run simultaneously. You can run btshell on a board and issue commands that make it behave as a central or a peripheral
+with different peers.
+**btshell** is a new application that uses shell subsystem introduced in Mynewt 1.1 and has updated commands and
+parameters names. Thanks to support for tab completion commands names are more descriptive and self-explanatory
+without requiring extensive typing.
+Highlighted below are some of the ways you can use the API to establish connections and discover services and
+characteristics from peer devices. For descriptions of the full API, go to the next sections on
+:doc:`btshell_GAP` and :doc:`btshell_GATT`.
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+ :depth: 2
+.. toctree::
+ :hidden:
+ :titlesonly:
+ GAP <btshell_GAP>
+ GATT <btshell_GATT>
+ btshell_advdata
+Set device address.
+On startup, btshell has the following identity address configuration:
+- Public address: None
+- Random address: None
+The below ``set`` commands can be used to change the address configuration:
+ set addr_type=public addr=<device-address>
+ set addr_type=random addr=<device-address>
+For example:
+ set addr_type=public addr=01:02:03:04:05:06
+ set addr_type=random addr=c1:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee
+The address configuration can be viewed with the ``gatt-show-addr`` command, as follows:
+ gatt-show-addr
+ public_id_addr=01:02:03:04:05:06 random_id_addr=c1:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee
+Initiate a direct connection to a device
+In this case, your board is acting as a central and initiating a connection with another BLE device. The example
+assumes you know the address of the peer, either by scanning for available peers or because you have set up the peer
+.. code-block:: none
+ :emphasize-lines: 1
+ connect peer_addr=d4:f5:13:53:d2:43
+ connection established; handle=1 our_ota_addr_type=0 our_ota_addr=0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f out_id_addr_type=0 our_id_addr=0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f peer_addr_type=0 peer_addr=43:d2:53:13:f5:d4 conn_itvl=40 conn_latency=0 supervision_timeout=256 encrypted=0 authenticated=0 bonded=0
+The ``handle=1`` in the output indicates that it is connection-1.
+Configure advertisements to include device name
+In this case, your board is acting as a peripheral.
+With Extended Advertising enabled (should be executed after advertise-configure):
+ advertise-set-adv-data name=<your-device-name>
+With Extended Advertising disabled:
+ set-adv-data name=<your-device-name>
+Begin sending undirected general advertisements
+In this case, your board is acting as a peripheral.
+With Extended Advertising enabled:
+ advertise-configure connectable=1 legacy=1 scannable=1
+ advertise-start
+With Extended Advertising disabled:
+ advertise conn=und discov=gen
+Show established connections.
+ gatt-show-conn
+Discover and display peer's services, characteristics, and descriptors.
+This is how you discover and then display the services of the peer you established earlier across connection-1.
+.. code-block:: none
+ :emphasize-lines: 1,2
+ gatt-discover-full conn=1
+ gatt-show
+ [ts=132425ssb, mod=64 level=2] CONNECTION: handle=1 addr=d4:f5:13:53:d2:43
+ [ts=132428ssb, mod=64 level=2] start=1 end=5 uuid=0x1800
+ [ts=132433ssb, mod=64 level=2] start=6 end=16 uuid=0x1808
+ [ts=132437ssb, mod=64 level=2] start=17 end=31 uuid=0x180a
+ [ts=132441ssb, mod=64 level=2] start=32 end=65535 uuid=00000000-0000-1000-1000000000000000
+Read an attribute belonging to the peer
+ gatt-read conn=1 attr=21
+Write to an attribute belonging to the peer
+ gatt-write conn=1 attr=3 value=0x01:0x02:0x03
+Perform a passive scan
+This is how you tell your board to listen to all advertisements around it. The duration is specified in ms.
+ scan duration=1000 passive=1 filter=no_wl