path: root/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80a0926f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Thompson
+import argparse
+import sys
+import os.path
+from PIL import Image
+def clut8_rgb888(i):
+ """Reference CLUT for wasp-os.
+ Technically speaking this is not a CLUT because the we lookup the colours
+ algorithmically to avoid the cost of a genuine CLUT. The palette is
+ designed to be fairly easy to generate algorithmically.
+ The palette includes all 216 web-safe colours together 4 grays and
+ 36 additional colours that target "gaps" at the brighter end of the web
+ safe set. There are 11 greys (plus black and white) although two are
+ fairly close together.
+ :param int i: Index (from 0..255 inclusive) into the CLUT
+ :return: 24-bit colour in RGB888 format
+ """
+ if i < 216:
+ rgb888 = ( i % 6) * 0x33
+ rg = i // 6
+ rgb888 += (rg % 6) * 0x3300
+ rgb888 += (rg // 6) * 0x330000
+ elif i < 252:
+ i -= 216
+ rgb888 = 0x7f + (( i % 3) * 0x33)
+ rg = i // 3
+ rgb888 += 0x4c00 + ((rg % 4) * 0x3300)
+ rgb888 += 0x7f0000 + ((rg // 4) * 0x330000)
+ else:
+ i -= 252
+ rgb888 = 0x2c2c2c + (0x101010 * i)
+ return rgb888
+def clut8_rgb565(i):
+ """RBG565 CLUT for wasp-os.
+ This CLUT implements the same palette as :py:meth:`clut8_888` but
+ outputs RGB565 pixels.
+ .. note::
+ This function is unused within this file but needs to be
+ maintained alongside the reference clut so it is reproduced
+ here.
+ :param int i: Index (from 0..255 inclusive) into the CLUT
+ :return: 16-bit colour in RGB565 format
+ """
+ if i < 216:
+ rgb565 = (( i % 6) * 0x33) >> 3
+ rg = i // 6
+ rgb565 += ((rg % 6) * (0x33 << 3)) & 0x07e0
+ rgb565 += ((rg // 6) * (0x33 << 8)) & 0xf800
+ elif i < 252:
+ i -= 216
+ rgb565 = (0x7f + (( i % 3) * 0x33)) >> 3
+ rg = i // 3
+ rgb565 += ((0x4c << 3) + ((rg % 4) * (0x33 << 3))) & 0x07e0
+ rgb565 += ((0x7f << 8) + ((rg // 4) * (0x33 << 8))) & 0xf800
+ else:
+ i -= 252
+ gr6 = (0x2c + (0x10 * i)) >> 2
+ gr5 = gr6 >> 1
+ rgb565 = (gr5 << 11) + (gr6 << 5) + gr5
+ return rgb565
+class ReverseCLUT:
+ def __init__(self, clut):
+ l = []
+ for i in range(256):
+ l.append(clut(i))
+ self.clut = tuple(l)
+ self.lookup = {}
+ def __call__(self, rgb888):
+ """Compare rgb888 to every element of the CLUT and pick the
+ closest match.
+ """
+ if rgb888 in self.lookup:
+ return self.lookup[rgb888]
+ best = 200000
+ index = -1
+ clut = self.clut
+ r = rgb888 >> 16
+ g = (rgb888 >> 8) & 0xff
+ b = rgb888 & 0xff
+ for i in range(256):
+ candidate = clut[i]
+ rd = r - (candidate >> 16)
+ gd = g - ((candidate >> 8) & 0xff)
+ bd = b - (candidate & 0xff)
+ # This is the Euclidian distance (squared)
+ distance = rd * rd + gd * gd + bd * bd
+ if distance < best:
+ best = distance
+ index = i
+ self.lookup[rgb888] = index
+ #print(f'# #{rgb888:06x} -> #{clut8_rgb888(index):06x}')
+ return index
+def varname(p):
+ return os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(p)[0])
+def encode(im):
+ pixels = im.load()
+ rle = []
+ rl = 0
+ px = pixels[0, 0]
+ def encode_pixel(px, rl):
+ while rl > 255:
+ rle.append(255)
+ rle.append(0)
+ rl -= 255
+ rle.append(rl)
+ for y in range(im.height):
+ for x in range(im.width):
+ newpx = pixels[x, y]
+ if newpx == px:
+ rl += 1
+ assert(rl < (1 << 21))
+ continue
+ # Code the previous run
+ encode_pixel(px, rl)
+ # Start a new run
+ rl = 1
+ px = newpx
+ # Handle the final run
+ encode_pixel(px, rl)
+ return (im.width, im.height, bytes(rle))
+def encode_2bit(im):
+ """2-bit palette based RLE encoder.
+ This encoder has a reprogrammable 2-bit palette. This allows it to encode
+ arbitrary images with a full 8-bit depth but the 2-byte overhead each time
+ a new colour is introduced means it is not efficient unless the image is
+ carefully constructed to keep a good locality of reference for the three
+ non-background colours.
+ The encoding competes well with the 1-bit encoder for small monochrome
+ images but once run-lengths longer than 62 start to become frequent then
+ this encoding is about 30% larger than a 1-bit encoding.
+ """
+ pixels = im.load()
+ assert(im.width <= 255)
+ assert(im.height <= 255)
+ full_palette = ReverseCLUT(clut8_rgb888)
+ rle = []
+ rl = 0
+ px = pixels[0, 0]
+ # black, grey25, grey50, white
+ palette = [0, 254, 219, 215]
+ next_color = 1
+ def encode_pixel(px, rl):
+ nonlocal next_color
+ px = full_palette((px[0] << 16) + (px[1] << 8) + px[2])
+ if px not in palette:
+ rle.append(next_color << 6)
+ rle.append(px)
+ palette[next_color] = px
+ next_color += 1
+ if next_color >= len(palette):
+ next_color = 1
+ px = palette.index(px)
+ if rl >= 63:
+ rle.append((px << 6) + 63)
+ rl -= 63
+ while rl >= 255:
+ rle.append(255)
+ rl -= 255
+ rle.append(rl)
+ else:
+ rle.append((px << 6) + rl)
+ # Issue the descriptor
+ rle.append(2)
+ rle.append(im.width)
+ rle.append(im.height)
+ for y in range(im.height):
+ for x in range(im.width):
+ newpx = pixels[x, y]
+ if newpx == px:
+ rl += 1
+ assert(rl < (1 << 21))
+ continue
+ # Code the previous run
+ encode_pixel(px, rl)
+ # Start a new run
+ rl = 1
+ px = newpx
+ # Handle the final run
+ encode_pixel(px, rl)
+ return bytes(rle)
+def encode_8bit(im):
+ """Experimental 8-bit RLE encoder.
+ For monochrome images this is about 3x less efficient than the 1-bit
+ encoder. This encoder is not currently used anywhere in wasp-os and
+ currently there is no decoder either (so don't assume this code
+ actually works).
+ """
+ pixels = im.load()
+ rle = []
+ rl = 0
+ px = pixels[0, 0]
+ def encode_pixel(px, rl):
+ px = (px[0] & 0xe0) | ((px[1] & 0xe0) >> 3) | ((px[2] & 0xc0) >> 6)
+ rle.append(px)
+ if rl > 0:
+ rle.append(px)
+ rl -= 2
+ if rl > (1 << 14):
+ rle.append(0x80 | ((rl >> 14) & 0x7f))
+ if rl > (1 << 7):
+ rle.append(0x80 | ((rl >> 7) & 0x7f))
+ if rl >= 0:
+ rle.append( rl & 0x7f )
+ for y in range(im.height):
+ for x in range(im.width):
+ newpx = pixels[x, y]
+ if newpx == px:
+ rl += 1
+ assert(rl < (1 << 21))
+ continue
+ # Code the previous run
+ encode_pixel(px, rl)
+ # Start a new run
+ rl = 1
+ px = newpx
+ # Handle the final run
+ encode_pixel(px, rl)
+ return (im.width, im.height, bytes(rle))
+def render_c(image, fname, indent, depth):
+ extra_indent = ' ' * indent
+ if len(image) == 3:
+ print(f'{extra_indent}// {depth}-bit RLE, generated from {fname}, '
+ f'{len(image[2])} bytes')
+ (x, y, pixels) = image
+ else:
+ print(f'{extra_indent}// {depth}-bit RLE, generated from {fname}, '
+ f'{len(image)} bytes')
+ pixels = image
+ print(f'{extra_indent}static const uint8_t {varname(fname)}[] = {{')
+ print(f'{extra_indent} ', end='')
+ i = 0
+ for rl in pixels:
+ print(f' {hex(rl)},', end='')
+ i += 1
+ if i == 12:
+ print(f'\n{extra_indent} ', end='')
+ i = 0
+ print('\n};')
+def render_py(image, fname, indent, depth):
+ extra_indent = ' ' * indent
+ if len(image) == 3:
+ print(f'{extra_indent}# {depth}-bit RLE, generated from {fname}, '
+ f'{len(image[2])} bytes')
+ (x, y, pixels) = image
+ print(f'{extra_indent}{varname(fname)} = (')
+ print(f'{extra_indent} {x}, {y},')
+ else:
+ print(f'{extra_indent}# {depth}-bit RLE, generated from {fname}, '
+ f'{len(image)} bytes')
+ pixels = image[3:]
+ print(f'{extra_indent}{varname(fname)} = (')
+ print(f'{extra_indent} {image[0:1]}')
+ print(f'{extra_indent} {image[1:3]}')
+ # Split the bytestring to ensure each line is short enough to
+ # be absorbed on the target if needed.
+ for i in range(0, len(pixels), 16):
+ print(f'{extra_indent} {pixels[i:i+16]}')
+ print(f'{extra_indent})')
+def decode_to_ascii(image):
+ (sx, sy, rle) = image
+ data = bytearray(2*sx)
+ dp = 0
+ black = ord('#')
+ white = ord(' ')
+ color = black
+ for rl in rle:
+ while rl:
+ data[dp] = color
+ data[dp+1] = color
+ dp += 2
+ rl -= 1
+ if dp >= (2*sx):
+ print(data.decode('utf-8'))
+ dp = 0
+ if color == black:
+ color = white
+ else:
+ color = black
+ # Check the image is the correct length
+ assert(dp == 0)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='RLE encoder tool.')
+parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+',
+ help='files to be encoded')
+parser.add_argument('--ascii', action='store_true',
+ help='Run the resulting image(s) through an ascii art decoder')
+parser.add_argument('--c', action='store_true',
+ help='Render the output as C instead of python')
+parser.add_argument('--indent', default=0, type=int,
+ help='Add extra indentation in the generated code')
+parser.add_argument('--2bit', action='store_true', dest='twobit',
+ help='Generate 2-bit image')
+parser.add_argument('--8bit', action='store_true', dest='eightbit',
+ help='Generate 8-bit image')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.eightbit:
+ encoder = encode_8bit
+ depth = 8
+elif args.twobit:
+ encoder = encode_2bit
+ depth = 2
+ encoder = encode
+ depth =1
+for fname in args.files:
+ image = encoder(
+ if args.c:
+ render_c(image, fname, args.indent, depth)
+ else:
+ render_py(image, fname, args.indent, depth)
+ if args.ascii:
+ print()
+ decode_to_ascii(image) \ No newline at end of file