# GitHub Actions Workflow to build FreeRTOS Firmware for PineTime Smart Watch # See https://lupyuen.github.io/pinetime-rust-mynewt/articles/cloud # Based on https://github.com/JF002/Pinetime/blob/master/doc/buildAndProgram.md # and https://github.com/JF002/Pinetime/blob/master/bootloader/README.md # Name of this Workflow name: Build PineTime Firmware # When to run this Workflow... on: # Run this Workflow when files are updated (Pushed) in the "master" Branch push: branches: [ master ] # Also run this Workflow when a Pull Request is created or updated in the "master" Branch pull_request: branches: [ master ] # Steps to run for the Workflow jobs: build: # Run these steps on Ubuntu runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: ######################################################################################### # Download and Cache Dependencies - name: Install cmake uses: lukka/get-cmake@v3.18.3 - name: Check cache for Embedded Arm Toolchain arm-none-eabi-gcc id: cache-toolchain uses: actions/cache@v2 env: cache-name: cache-toolchain-9-2020-q2 with: path: ${{ runner.temp }}/arm-none-eabi key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }} - name: Install Embedded Arm Toolchain arm-none-eabi-gcc if: steps.cache-toolchain.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' # Install toolchain if not found in cache uses: fiam/arm-none-eabi-gcc@v1.0.2 with: # GNU Embedded Toolchain for Arm release name, in the V-YYYY-qZ format (e.g. "9-2019-q4") release: 9-2020-q2 # Directory to unpack GCC to. Defaults to a temporary directory. directory: ${{ runner.temp }}/arm-none-eabi - name: Check cache for nRF5 SDK id: cache-nrf5sdk uses: actions/cache@v2 env: cache-name: cache-nrf5sdk with: path: ${{ runner.temp }}/nrf5_sdk key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }} - name: Install nRF5 SDK if: steps.cache-nrf5sdk.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' # Install SDK if not found in cache run: | cd ${{ runner.temp }} curl https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF5_SDK/nRF5_SDK_v15.x.x/nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345.zip -o nrf5_sdk.zip unzip nrf5_sdk.zip mv nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345 nrf5_sdk - name: Check cache for MCUBoot id: cache-mcuboot uses: actions/cache@v2 env: cache-name: cache-mcuboot with: path: ${{ runner.temp }}/mcuboot key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }} - name: Install MCUBoot if: steps.cache-mcuboot.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' # Install MCUBoot if not found in cache run: | cd ${{ runner.temp }} git clone --branch v1.5.0 https://github.com/JuulLabs-OSS/mcuboot - name: Install imgtool dependencies run: pip3 install --user -r ${{ runner.temp }}/mcuboot/scripts/requirements.txt - name: Install adafruit-nrfutil run: | pip3 install --user wheel pip3 install --user setuptools pip3 install --user adafruit-nrfutil ######################################################################################### # Checkout - name: Checkout source files uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Show files run: set ; pwd ; ls -l ######################################################################################### # CMake - name: CMake run: | mkdir -p build cd build cmake -DARM_NONE_EABI_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=${{ runner.temp }}/arm-none-eabi -DNRF5_SDK_PATH=${{ runner.temp }}/nrf5_sdk -DUSE_OPENOCD=1 ../ ######################################################################################### # Make and Upload DFU Package # pinetime-mcuboot-app.img must be flashed at address 0x8000 in the internal flash memory with OpenOCD: # program image.bin 0x8000 # For Debugging Builds: Remove "make" option "-j" for clearer output. Add "--trace" to see details. # For Faster Builds: Add "make" option "-j" - name: Make pinetime-mcuboot-app run: | cd build make pinetime-mcuboot-app - name: Create firmware image run: | # The generated firmware binary looks like "pinetime-mcuboot-app-0.8.2.bin" ls -l build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app*.bin ${{ runner.temp }}/mcuboot/scripts/imgtool.py create --align 4 --version 1.0.0 --header-size 32 --slot-size 475136 --pad-header build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app*.bin build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app-img.bin ${{ runner.temp }}/mcuboot/scripts/imgtool.py verify build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app-img.bin - name: Create DFU package run: | ~/.local/bin/adafruit-nrfutil dfu genpkg --dev-type 0x0052 --application build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app-img.bin build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app-dfu.zip unzip -v build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app-dfu.zip # Unzip the package because Upload Artifact will zip up the files unzip build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app-dfu.zip -d build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app-dfu - name: Upload DFU package uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: pinetime-mcuboot-app-dfu path: build/src/pinetime-mcuboot-app-dfu/* ######################################################################################### # Make and Upload Standalone Firmware - name: Make pinetime-app run: | cd build make pinetime-app - name: Upload standalone firmware uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: pinetime-app.out path: build/src/pinetime-app*.out ######################################################################################### # Finish - name: Find output run: | find . -name "pinetime-app.*" -ls find . -name "pinetime-mcuboot-app.*" -ls # Embedded Arm Toolchain and nRF5 SDK will only be cached if the build succeeds. # So make sure that the first build always succeeds, e.g. comment out the "Make" step.