#include #include "Gauge.h" #include "../DisplayApp.h" using namespace Pinetime::Applications::Screens; extern lv_font_t jetbrains_mono_extrabold_compressed; extern lv_font_t jetbrains_mono_bold_20; Gauge::Gauge(Pinetime::Applications::DisplayApp *app) : Screen(app) { /*Create a style*/ lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_pretty_color); style.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_CYAN; /*Line color at the beginning*/ style.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_RED; /*Line color at the end*/ style.body.padding.left = 10; /*Scale line length*/ style.body.padding.inner = 8 ; /*Scale label padding*/ style.body.border.color = lv_color_hex3(0x333); /*Needle middle circle color*/ style.line.width = 3; style.text.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE; style.line.color = LV_COLOR_RED; /*Line color after the critical value*/ /*Describe the color for the needles*/ needle_colors[0] = LV_COLOR_ORANGE; /*Create a gauge*/ gauge1 = lv_gauge_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_gauge_set_style(gauge1, LV_GAUGE_STYLE_MAIN, &style); lv_gauge_set_needle_count(gauge1, 1, needle_colors); lv_obj_set_size(gauge1, 180, 180); lv_obj_align(gauge1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_gauge_set_scale(gauge1, 360, 60, 0); lv_gauge_set_range(gauge1, 0, 59); /*Set the values*/ lv_gauge_set_value(gauge1, 0, value); } Gauge::~Gauge() { lv_obj_clean(lv_scr_act()); } bool Gauge::Refresh() { // lv_lmeter_set_value(lmeter, value++); /*Set the current value*/ // if(value>=60) value = 0; lv_gauge_set_value(gauge1, 0, value++); if(value == 59) value = 0; return running; } bool Gauge::OnButtonPushed() { running = false; return true; }