#pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace Pinetime { namespace Controllers { class NotificationManager { public: enum class Categories { Unknown, SimpleAlert, Email, News, IncomingCall, MissedCall, Sms, VoiceMail, Schedule, HighProriotyAlert, InstantMessage }; static constexpr uint8_t MessageSize {100}; struct Notification { using Id = uint8_t; using Idx = uint8_t; Id id = 0; bool valid = false; uint8_t size; std::array message; Categories category = Categories::Unknown; const char* Message() const; const char* Title() const; }; void Push(Notification&& notif); Notification GetLastNotification() const; Notification Get(Notification::Id id) const; Notification GetNext(Notification::Id id) const; Notification GetPrevious(Notification::Id id) const; // Return the index of the notification with the specified id, if not found return NbNotifications() Notification::Idx IndexOf(Notification::Id id) const; bool ClearNewNotificationFlag(); bool AreNewNotificationsAvailable() const; void Dismiss(Notification::Id id); static constexpr size_t MaximumMessageSize() { return MessageSize; }; bool IsEmpty() const { return size == 0; } size_t NbNotifications() const; private: Notification::Id nextId {0}; Notification::Id GetNextId(); const Notification& At(Notification::Idx idx) const; Notification& At(Notification::Idx idx); void DismissIdx(Notification::Idx idx); static constexpr uint8_t TotalNbNotifications = 5; std::array notifications; size_t beginIdx = TotalNbNotifications - 1; // index of the newest notification size_t size = 0; // number of valid notifications in buffer std::atomic newNotification {false}; }; } }