dith = $dith; $this->out_name = $out_name; $this->path = $path; if($cf == "raw" || $cf == "raw_alpha" || $cf == "raw_chroma") return; $size = getimagesize($path); $this->w = $size[0]; $this->h = $size[1]; $ext = pathinfo($real_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if(!strcmp(strtolower($ext), "png")) $this->img = imagecreatefrompng($path); else if(!strcmp(strtolower($ext), "bmp")) $this->img = imagecreatefrombmp($path); else if(!strcmp(strtolower($ext), "jpg")) $this->img = imagecreatefromjpeg($path); else if(!strcmp(strtolower($ext), "jpeg")) $this->img = imagecreatefromjpeg($path); else { echo("$ext is a not supported image type. use png, jpg, jpeg or bmp"); exit(1); } $this->r_earr = array(); /*Classification error for next row of pixels*/ $this->g_earr = array(); $this->b_earr = array(); if($this->dith) { for($i = 0; $i < $this->w + 2; ++$i){ $this->r_earr[$i] = 0; $this->g_earr[$i] = 0; $this->b_earr[$i] = 0; } } $this->r_nerr = 0; /*Classification error for next pixel*/ $this->g_nerr = 0; $this->b_nerr = 0; } function convert($cf, $alpha = 0) { $this->cf = $cf; $this->d_out = array(); $this->alpha = $alpha; if($this->cf == self::CF_RAW || $this->cf == self::CF_RAW_ALPHA || $this->cf == self::CF_RAW_CHROMA) { $myfile = fopen($this->path, "r") or die("Unable to open file!"); $this->d_out = unpack('C*', fread($myfile, filesize($this->path))); fclose($myfile); return; } $palette_size = 0; if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_1_BIT) $palette_size = 2; if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_2_BIT) $palette_size = 4; if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_4_BIT) $palette_size = 16; if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_8_BIT) $palette_size = 256; if($palette_size) { $img_tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($this->w, $this->h); imagecopy ($img_tmp, $this->img, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0, $this->w , $this->h); imagetruecolortopalette($this->img, false, $palette_size); $real_palette_size = imagecolorstotal($this->img); /*The real number of colos in the image's palette*/ for($i = 0; $i < $palette_size; $i++) { if($i < $real_palette_size) { $c = imagecolorsforindex ($this->img , $i); array_push($this->d_out, $c['blue'], $c['green'], $c['red'], 0xFF); } else { array_push($this->d_out, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); } } } /*Convert all the pixels*/ for($y = 0; $y < $this->h; $y++) { $this->dith_reset(); for($x = 0; $x < $this->w; ++$x){ $this->conv_px($x, $y); } } /*Revert the original image if it was converted to indexed*/ if($palette_size) { imagecopy ($this->img, $img_tmp, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , $this->w , $this->h); } } function format_to_c_array() { $c_array = ""; $i = 0; $y_end = $this->h; $x_end = $this->w; if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_332) { $c_array .= "\n#if LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 1 || LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 8"; if(!$this->alpha) $c_array .= "\n /*Pixel format: Blue: 2 bit, Green: 3 bit, Red: 3 bit*/"; else $c_array .= "\n /*Pixel format: Blue: 2 bit, Green: 3 bit, Red: 3 bit, Alpha 8 bit */"; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565) { $c_array .= "\n#if LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 16 && LV_COLOR_16_SWAP == 0"; if(!$this->alpha) $c_array .= "\n /*Pixel format: Blue: 5 bit, Green: 6 bit, Red: 5 bit*/"; else $c_array .= "\n /*Pixel format: Blue: 5 bit, Green: 6 bit, Red: 5 bit, Alpha 8 bit*/"; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565_SWAP) { $c_array .= "\n#if LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 16 && LV_COLOR_16_SWAP != 0"; if(!$this->alpha) $c_array .= "\n /*Pixel format: Blue: 5 bit, Green: 6 bit, Red: 5 bit BUT the 2 bytes are swapped*/"; else $c_array .= "\n /*Pixel format: Blue: 5 bit Green: 6 bit, Red: 5 bit, Alpha 8 bit BUT the 2 color bytes are swapped*/"; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_888) { $c_array .= "\n#if LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 32"; if(!$this->alpha) $c_array .= "\n /*Pixel format: Blue: 8 bit, Green: 8 bit, Red: 8 bit, Fix 0xFF: 8 bit, */"; else $c_array .= "\n /*Pixel format: Blue: 8 bit, Green: 8 bit, Red: 8 bit, Alpha: 8 bit*/"; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_1_BIT) { $c_array .= "\n"; for($p = 0; $p < 2; $p ++) { $c_array .= " 0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 0]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 1]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 2]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 3]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "\t/*Color of index $p*/\n"; } $i = $p * 4; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_2_BIT) { $c_array .= "\n"; for($p = 0; $p < 4; $p ++) { $c_array .= " 0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 0]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 1]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 2]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 3]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "\t/*Color of index $p*/\n"; } $i = $p * 4; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_4_BIT) { $c_array .= "\n"; for($p = 0; $p < 16; $p ++) { $c_array .= " 0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 0]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 1]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 2]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 3]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "\t/*Color of index $p*/\n"; } $i = $p * 4; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_8_BIT) { $c_array .= "\n"; for($p = 0; $p < 256; $p ++) { $c_array .= " 0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 0]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 1]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 2]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$p * 4 + 3]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $c_array .= "\t/*Color of index $p*/\n"; } $i = $p * 4; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_RAW || $this->cf == self::CF_RAW_ALPHA || $this->cf == self::CF_RAW_CHROMA) { $y_end = 1; $x_end = count($this->d_out); $i = 1; } for($y = 0; $y < $y_end; $y++) { $c_array .= "\n "; for($x = 0; $x < $x_end; $x++) { if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_332) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; if($this->alpha) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; } } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565 || $this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565_SWAP) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; if($this->alpha) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; } } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_888) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_ALPHA_1_BIT || $this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_1_BIT) { if(($x & 0x7) == 0) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; } } else if($this->cf == self::CF_ALPHA_2_BIT || $this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_2_BIT) { if(($x & 0x3) == 0) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; } } else if($this->cf == self::CF_ALPHA_4_BIT || $this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_4_BIT) { if(($x & 0x1) == 0) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; } } else if($this->cf == self::CF_ALPHA_8_BIT || $this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_8_BIT) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; $i++; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_RAW || $this->cf == self::CF_RAW_ALPHA || $this->cf == self::CF_RAW_CHROMA) { $c_array .= "0x" . str_pad(dechex($this->d_out[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ", "; if($i != 0 && (($i % 16) == 0)) $c_array .= "\n "; $i++; } } } if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_332 || $this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565 || $this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565_SWAP || $this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_888) { $c_array .= "\n#endif"; } return $c_array; } function get_c_header() { $c_header ="#if defined(LV_LVGL_H_INCLUDE_SIMPLE) #include \"lvgl.h\" #else #include \"../lvgl/lvgl.h\" #endif #ifndef LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN #define LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN #endif "; $attr_name = "LV_ATTRIBUTE_IMG_" . strtoupper($this->out_name); $c_header .= "#ifndef $attr_name #define $attr_name #endif const LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN LV_ATTRIBUTE_LARGE_CONST $attr_name uint8_t " . $this->out_name . "_map[] = {"; return $c_header; } function get_c_footer($cf) { $c_footer = "\n};\n const lv_img_dsc_t " . $this->out_name . " = { .header.always_zero = 0, .header.w = " . $this->w . ", .header.h = " . $this->h . ",\n"; if($cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . $this->w * $this->h . " * LV_COLOR_SIZE / 8,\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR,"; else if($cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . $this->w * $this->h . " * LV_IMG_PX_SIZE_ALPHA_BYTE,\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA,"; else if($cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_CHROMA) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . $this->w * $this->h . " * LV_COLOR_SIZE / 8,\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR_CHROMA_KEYED,"; else if($cf == self::CF_ALPHA_1_BIT) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_ALPHA_1BIT,"; else if($cf == self::CF_ALPHA_2_BIT) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_ALPHA_2BIT,"; else if($cf == self::CF_ALPHA_4_BIT) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_ALPHA_4BIT,"; else if($cf == self::CF_ALPHA_8_BIT) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_ALPHA_8BIT,"; else if($cf == self::CF_INDEXED_1_BIT) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED_1BIT,"; else if($cf == self::CF_INDEXED_2_BIT) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED_2BIT,"; else if($cf == self::CF_INDEXED_4_BIT) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED_4BIT,"; else if($cf == self::CF_INDEXED_8_BIT) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED_8BIT,"; else if($cf == self::CF_RAW) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_RAW,"; else if($cf == self::CF_RAW_ALPHA) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_RAW_ALPHA,"; else if($cf == self::CF_RAW_CHROMA) $c_footer .= " .data_size = " . count($this->d_out) . ",\n .header.cf = LV_IMG_CF_RAW_CHROMA_KEYED,"; $c_footer .= "\n .data = " . $this->out_name . "_map, };\n"; return $c_footer; } function download_c($name, $cf = -1, $content = ""){ global $offline; if(strlen($content) < 1) { $content = $this->format_to_c_array(); } if($cf < 0) $cf = $this->cf; $out = $this->get_c_header() . $content . "" . $this->get_c_footer($cf); $name = $name . ".c"; if($offline){ $file = fopen($name, "w"); fwrite($file, $out); fclose($file); } else{ header('Content-Type: application/text'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$name); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($out)); echo($out); } } function download_bin($name, $cf = -1, $content = 0){ global $offline; if($content == 0) { $content = $this->d_out; } if($cf < 0) $cf = $this->cf; $name .= ".bin"; $lv_cf = 4; /*Color format in LittlevGL*/ switch($cf) { case self::CF_TRUE_COLOR: $lv_cf = 4; break; case self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA: $lv_cf = 5; break; case self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_CHROMA: $lv_cf = 6; break; case self::CF_INDEXED_1_BIT: $lv_cf = 7; break; case self::CF_INDEXED_2_BIT: $lv_cf = 8; break; case self::CF_INDEXED_4_BIT: $lv_cf = 9; break; case self::CF_INDEXED_8_BIT: $lv_cf = 10; break; case self::CF_ALPHA_1_BIT: $lv_cf = 11; break; case self::CF_ALPHA_2_BIT: $lv_cf = 12; break; case self::CF_ALPHA_4_BIT: $lv_cf = 13; break; case self::CF_ALPHA_8_BIT: $lv_cf = 14; break; } $header = $lv_cf + ($this->w << 10) + ($this->h << 21); $header_bin = pack("V", $header); $content = pack("C*", ...$content); if($offline){ $file = fopen($name, "w"); fwrite($file, $header_bin); fwrite($file, $content); fclose($file); } else{ $len = strlen($content) + 4; header('Content-Type: application/text'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$name); header('Content-Length:' . $len); echo($header_bin[0]); echo($header_bin[1]); echo($header_bin[2]); echo($header_bin[3]); echo($content); } } private function conv_px($x, $y) { $c = imagecolorat($this->img, $x, $y); if($this->alpha){ $a = ($c & 0xff000000) >> 23; /*Alpha is 7 bit*/ if($a & 0x02) $a |= 0x01; /*Repeate the last bit: 0000000 -> 00000000; 1111110 -> 11111111*/ $a = 255 - $a; } else { $a = 0xff; } $r = ($c & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; $g = ($c & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; $b = ($c & 0x000000ff) >> 0; $this->dith_next($r, $g, $b, $x); if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_332) { $c8 = ($this->r_act) | ($this->g_act >> 3) | ($this->b_act >> 6); //RGB332 array_push($this->d_out, $c8); if($this->alpha) array_push($this->d_out, $a); } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565) { $c16 = (($this->r_act) << 8) | (($this->g_act) << 3) | (($this->b_act) >> 3); //RGR565 array_push($this->d_out, $c16 & 0xFF); array_push($this->d_out, ($c16 >> 8) & 0xFF); if($this->alpha) array_push($this->d_out, $a); } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565_SWAP) { $c16 = (($this->r_act) << 8) | (($this->g_act) << 3) | (($this->b_act) >> 3); //RGR565 array_push($this->d_out, ($c16 >> 8) & 0xFF); array_push($this->d_out, $c16 & 0xFF); if($this->alpha) array_push($this->d_out, $a); } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_888) { array_push($this->d_out, $this->b_act); array_push($this->d_out, $this->g_act); array_push($this->d_out, $this->r_act); array_push($this->d_out, $a); } else if($this->cf == self::CF_ALPHA_1_BIT) { $w = $this->w >> 3; if($this->w & 0x07) $w++; $p = $w * $y + ($x >> 3); if(!isset($this->d_out[$p])) $this->d_out[$p] = 0; /*Clear the bits first*/ if($a > 0x80) { $this->d_out[$p] |= 1 << (7 - ($x & 0x7)); } } else if($this->cf == self::CF_ALPHA_2_BIT) { $w = $this->w >> 2; if($this->w & 0x03) $w++; $p = $w * $y + ($x >> 2); if(!isset($this->d_out[$p])) $this->d_out[$p] = 0; /*Clear the bits first*/ $this->d_out[$p] |= ($a >> 6) << (6 - (($x & 0x3) * 2)); } else if($this->cf == self::CF_ALPHA_4_BIT) { $w = $this->w >> 1; if($this->w & 0x01) $w++; $p = $w * $y + ($x >> 1); if(!isset($this->d_out[$p])) $this->d_out[$p] = 0; /*Clear the bits first*/ $this->d_out[$p] |= ($a >> 4) << (4 - (($x & 0x1) * 4)); } else if($this->cf == self::CF_ALPHA_8_BIT) { $p = $this->w * $y + $x; $this->d_out[$p] = $a; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_1_BIT) { $w = $this->w >> 3; if($this->w & 0x07) $w++; $p = $w * $y + ($x >> 3) + 8; /* +8 for the palette*/ if(!isset($this->d_out[$p])) $this->d_out[$p] = 0; /*Clear the bits first*/ $this->d_out[$p] |= ($c & 0x1) << (7 - ($x & 0x7)); } else if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_2_BIT) { $w = $this->w >> 2; if($this->w & 0x03) $w++; $p = $w * $y + ($x >> 2) + 16; /* +16 for the palette*/ if(!isset($this->d_out[$p])) $this->d_out[$p] = 0; /*Clear the bits first*/ $this->d_out[$p] |= ($c & 0x3) << (6 - (($x & 0x3) * 2)); } else if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_4_BIT) { $w = $this->w >> 1; if($this->w & 0x01) $w++; $p = $w * $y + ($x >> 1) + 64; /* +64 for the palette*/ if(!isset($this->d_out[$p])) $this->d_out[$p] = 0; /*Clear the bits first*/ $this->d_out[$p] |= ($c & 0xF) << (4 - (($x & 0x1) * 4)); } else if($this->cf == self::CF_INDEXED_8_BIT) { $p = $this->w * $y + $x + 1024; /* +1024 for the palette*/ $this->d_out[$p] = $c & 0xFF; } } private function dith_reset() { if($this->dith){ $this->r_nerr = 0; $this->g_nerr = 0; $this->b_nerr = 0; } } private function dith_next($r, $g, $b, $x) { if($this->dith){ $this->r_act = $r + $this->r_nerr + $this->r_earr[$x+1]; $this->r_earr[$x+1] = 0; $this->g_act = $g + $this->g_nerr + $this->g_earr[$x+1]; $this->g_earr[$x+1] = 0; $this->b_act = $b + $this->b_nerr + $this->b_earr[$x+1]; $this->b_earr[$x+1] = 0; if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_332) { $this->r_act = $this->classify_pixel($this->r_act, 3); $this->g_act = $this->classify_pixel($this->g_act, 3); $this->b_act = $this->classify_pixel($this->b_act, 2); if($this->r_act > 0xE0) $this->r_act = 0xE0; if($this->g_act > 0xE0) $this->g_act = 0xE0; if($this->b_act > 0xC0) $this->b_act = 0xC0; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565 || $this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565_SWAP) { $this->r_act = $this->classify_pixel($this->r_act, 5); $this->g_act = $this->classify_pixel($this->g_act, 6); $this->b_act = $this->classify_pixel($this->b_act, 5); if($this->r_act > 0xF8) $this->r_act = 0xF8; if($this->g_act > 0xFC) $this->g_act = 0xFC; if($this->b_act > 0xF8) $this->b_act = 0xF8; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_888) { $this->r_act = $this->classify_pixel($this->r_act, 8); $this->g_act = $this->classify_pixel($this->g_act, 8); $this->b_act = $this->classify_pixel($this->b_act, 8); if($this->r_act > 0xFF) $this->r_act = 0xFF; if($this->g_act > 0xFF) $this->g_act = 0xFF; if($this->b_act > 0xFF) $this->b_act = 0xFF; } $this->r_err = $r - $this->r_act; $this->g_err = $g - $this->g_act; $this->b_err = $b - $this->b_act; $this->r_nerr = round((7 * $this->r_err) / 16); $this->g_nerr = round((7 * $this->g_err) / 16); $this->b_nerr = round((7 * $this->b_err) / 16); $this->r_earr[$x] += round((3 * $this->r_err) / 16); $this->g_earr[$x] += round((3 * $this->g_err) / 16); $this->b_earr[$x] += round((3 * $this->b_err) / 16); $this->r_earr[$x+1] += round((5 * $this->r_err) / 16); $this->g_earr[$x+1] += round((5 * $this->g_err) / 16); $this->b_earr[$x+1] += round((5 * $this->b_err) / 16); $this->r_earr[$x+2] += round($this->r_err / 16); $this->g_earr[$x+2] += round($this->g_err / 16); $this->b_earr[$x+2] += round($this->b_err / 16); } else{ if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_332) { $this->r_act = $this->classify_pixel($r, 3); $this->g_act = $this->classify_pixel($g, 3); $this->b_act = $this->classify_pixel($b, 2); if($this->r_act > 0xE0) $this->r_act = 0xE0; if($this->g_act > 0xE0) $this->g_act = 0xE0; if($this->b_act > 0xC0) $this->b_act = 0xC0; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565 || $this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_565_SWAP) { $this->r_act = $this->classify_pixel($r, 5); $this->g_act = $this->classify_pixel($g, 6); $this->b_act = $this->classify_pixel($b, 5); if($this->r_act > 0xF8) $this->r_act = 0xF8; if($this->g_act > 0xFC) $this->g_act = 0xFC; if($this->b_act > 0xF8) $this->b_act = 0xF8; } else if($this->cf == self::CF_TRUE_COLOR_888) { $this->r_act = $this->classify_pixel($r, 8); $this->g_act = $this->classify_pixel($g, 8); $this->b_act = $this->classify_pixel($b, 8); if($this->r_act > 0xFF) $this->r_act = 0xFF; if($this->g_act > 0xFF) $this->g_act = 0xFF; if($this->b_act > 0xFF) $this->b_act = 0xFF; } } } private function classify_pixel($value, $bits){ $tmp = 1 << (8 - $bits); $val = round($value / $tmp, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN) * $tmp; if($val < 0) $val = 0; return $val; } } $offline = 0; if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) { parse_str($argv[1], $_POST); 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*/ //download("test", $c_565); ?>