#include "drivers/TwiMaster.h" #include #include #include using namespace Pinetime::Drivers; // TODO use shortcut to automatically send STOP when receive LastTX, for example // TODO use DMA/IRQ TwiMaster::TwiMaster(NRF_TWIM_Type* module, uint32_t frequency, uint8_t pinSda, uint8_t pinScl) : module {module}, frequency {frequency}, pinSda {pinSda}, pinScl {pinScl} { } void TwiMaster::ConfigurePins() const { NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[pinScl] = (GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Input << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Pos) | (GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Connect << GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Pos) | (GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Disabled << GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Pos) | (GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_S0D1 << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_Pos) | (GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Disabled << GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos); NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[pinSda] = (GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Input << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Pos) | (GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Connect << GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Pos) | (GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Disabled << GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Pos) | (GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_S0D1 << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_Pos) | (GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Disabled << GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos); } void TwiMaster::Init() { if (mutex == nullptr) { mutex = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); } ConfigurePins(); twiBaseAddress = module; twiBaseAddress->FREQUENCY = frequency; twiBaseAddress->PSEL.SCL = pinScl; twiBaseAddress->PSEL.SDA = pinSda; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_LASTRX = 0; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_STOPPED = 0; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_LASTTX = 0; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR = 0; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_RXSTARTED = 0; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_SUSPENDED = 0; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_TXSTARTED = 0; twiBaseAddress->ENABLE = (TWIM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled << TWIM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos); xSemaphoreGive(mutex); } TwiMaster::ErrorCodes TwiMaster::Read(uint8_t deviceAddress, uint8_t registerAddress, uint8_t* data, size_t size) { xSemaphoreTake(mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Wakeup(); auto ret = Write(deviceAddress, ®isterAddress, 1, false); ret = Read(deviceAddress, data, size, true); Sleep(); xSemaphoreGive(mutex); return ret; } TwiMaster::ErrorCodes TwiMaster::Write(uint8_t deviceAddress, uint8_t registerAddress, const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { ASSERT(size <= maxDataSize); xSemaphoreTake(mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Wakeup(); internalBuffer[0] = registerAddress; std::memcpy(internalBuffer + 1, data, size); auto ret = Write(deviceAddress, internalBuffer, size + 1, true); Sleep(); xSemaphoreGive(mutex); return ret; } TwiMaster::ErrorCodes TwiMaster::Read(uint8_t deviceAddress, uint8_t* buffer, size_t size, bool stop) { twiBaseAddress->ADDRESS = deviceAddress; twiBaseAddress->TASKS_RESUME = 0x1UL; twiBaseAddress->RXD.PTR = (uint32_t) buffer; twiBaseAddress->RXD.MAXCNT = size; twiBaseAddress->TASKS_STARTRX = 1; while (!twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_RXSTARTED && !twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR) ; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_RXSTARTED = 0x0UL; txStartedCycleCount = DWT->CYCCNT; uint32_t currentCycleCount; while (!twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_LASTRX && !twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR) { currentCycleCount = DWT->CYCCNT; if ((currentCycleCount - txStartedCycleCount) > HwFreezedDelay) { FixHwFreezed(); return ErrorCodes::TransactionFailed; } } twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_LASTRX = 0x0UL; if (stop || twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR) { twiBaseAddress->TASKS_STOP = 0x1UL; while (!twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_STOPPED) ; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_STOPPED = 0x0UL; } else { twiBaseAddress->TASKS_SUSPEND = 0x1UL; while (!twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_SUSPENDED) ; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_SUSPENDED = 0x0UL; } if (twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR) { twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR = 0x0UL; } return ErrorCodes::NoError; } TwiMaster::ErrorCodes TwiMaster::Write(uint8_t deviceAddress, const uint8_t* data, size_t size, bool stop) { twiBaseAddress->ADDRESS = deviceAddress; twiBaseAddress->TASKS_RESUME = 0x1UL; twiBaseAddress->TXD.PTR = (uint32_t) data; twiBaseAddress->TXD.MAXCNT = size; twiBaseAddress->TASKS_STARTTX = 1; while (!twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_TXSTARTED && !twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR) ; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_TXSTARTED = 0x0UL; txStartedCycleCount = DWT->CYCCNT; uint32_t currentCycleCount; while (!twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_LASTTX && !twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR) { currentCycleCount = DWT->CYCCNT; if ((currentCycleCount - txStartedCycleCount) > HwFreezedDelay) { FixHwFreezed(); return ErrorCodes::TransactionFailed; } } twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_LASTTX = 0x0UL; if (stop || twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR) { twiBaseAddress->TASKS_STOP = 0x1UL; while (!twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_STOPPED) ; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_STOPPED = 0x0UL; } else { twiBaseAddress->TASKS_SUSPEND = 0x1UL; while (!twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_SUSPENDED) ; twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_SUSPENDED = 0x0UL; } if (twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR) { twiBaseAddress->EVENTS_ERROR = 0x0UL; uint32_t error = twiBaseAddress->ERRORSRC; twiBaseAddress->ERRORSRC = error; } return ErrorCodes::NoError; } void TwiMaster::Sleep() { twiBaseAddress->ENABLE = (TWIM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled << TWIM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos); } void TwiMaster::Wakeup() { twiBaseAddress->ENABLE = (TWIM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled << TWIM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos); } /* Sometimes, the TWIM device just freeze and never set the event EVENTS_LASTTX. * This method disable and re-enable the peripheral so that it works again. * This is just a workaround, and it would be better if we could find a way to prevent * this issue from happening. * */ void TwiMaster::FixHwFreezed() { NRF_LOG_INFO("I2C device frozen, reinitializing it!"); uint32_t twi_state = NRF_TWI1->ENABLE; Sleep(); twiBaseAddress->ENABLE = twi_state; }