/* Bluetooth Mesh */ /* * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation * Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "syscfg/syscfg.h" #define MESH_LOG_MODULE BLE_MESH_PROV_LOG #include #include #include "mesh/mesh.h" #include #include "testing.h" #include "net.h" #include "prov.h" #include "adv.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "beacon.h" #include "prov.h" #include "mesh/glue.h" #define GPCF(gpc) (gpc & 0x03) #define GPC_START(last_seg) (((last_seg) << 2) | 0x00) #define GPC_ACK 0x01 #define GPC_CONT(seg_id) (((seg_id) << 2) | 0x02) #define GPC_CTL(op) (((op) << 2) | 0x03) #define START_PAYLOAD_MAX 20 #define CONT_PAYLOAD_MAX 23 #define START_LAST_SEG(gpc) (gpc >> 2) #define CONT_SEG_INDEX(gpc) (gpc >> 2) #define BEARER_CTL(gpc) (gpc >> 2) #define LINK_OPEN 0x00 #define LINK_ACK 0x01 #define LINK_CLOSE 0x02 #define XACT_SEG_DATA(_seg) (&link.rx.buf->om_data[20 + ((_seg - 1) * 23)]) #define XACT_SEG_RECV(_seg) (link.rx.seg &= ~(1 << (_seg))) #define XACT_ID_MAX 0x7f #define XACT_ID_NVAL 0xff #define SEG_NVAL 0xff #define RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT K_MSEC(MYNEWT_VAL(BLE_MESH_PB_ADV_RETRANS_TIMEOUT)) #define BUF_TIMEOUT K_MSEC(400) #define CLOSING_TIMEOUT K_SECONDS(3) #define TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT K_SECONDS(30) /* Acked messages, will do retransmissions manually, taking acks into account: */ #define RETRANSMITS_RELIABLE 0 /* Unacked messages: */ #define RETRANSMITS_UNRELIABLE 2 /* PDU acks: */ #define RETRANSMITS_ACK 2 enum { ADV_LINK_ACTIVE, /* Link has been opened */ ADV_LINK_ACK_RECVD, /* Ack for link has been received */ ADV_LINK_CLOSING, /* Link is closing down */ ADV_LINK_INVALID, /* Error occurred during provisioning */ ADV_ACK_PENDING, /* An acknowledgment is being sent */ ADV_PROVISIONER, /* The link was opened as provisioner */ ADV_NUM_FLAGS, }; struct pb_adv { uint32_t id; /* Link ID */ ATOMIC_DEFINE(flags, ADV_NUM_FLAGS); const struct prov_bearer_cb *cb; void *cb_data; struct { uint8_t id; /* Most recent transaction ID */ uint8_t seg; /* Bit-field of unreceived segments */ uint8_t last_seg; /* Last segment (to check length) */ uint8_t fcs; /* Expected FCS value */ struct os_mbuf *buf; } rx; struct { /* Start timestamp of the transaction */ int64_t start; /* Transaction id */ uint8_t id; /* Current ack id */ uint8_t pending_ack; /* Pending outgoing buffer(s) */ struct os_mbuf *buf[3]; prov_bearer_send_complete_t cb; void *cb_data; /* Retransmit timer */ struct k_delayed_work retransmit; } tx; /* Protocol timeout */ struct k_delayed_work prot_timer; }; struct prov_rx { uint32_t link_id; uint8_t xact_id; uint8_t gpc; }; static struct os_mbuf *rx_buf; static struct pb_adv link; static void gen_prov_ack_send(uint8_t xact_id); static void link_open(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf); static void link_ack(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf); static void link_close(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf); static void buf_sent(int err, void *user_data) { BT_DBG("buf_send"); if (!link.tx.buf[0]) { return; } BT_DBG("submit retransmit"); k_delayed_work_submit(&link.tx.retransmit, RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT); } static struct bt_mesh_send_cb buf_sent_cb = { .end = buf_sent, }; static uint8_t last_seg(uint8_t len) { if (len <= START_PAYLOAD_MAX) { return 0; } len -= START_PAYLOAD_MAX; return 1 + (len / CONT_PAYLOAD_MAX); } static void free_segments(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(link.tx.buf); i++) { struct os_mbuf *buf = link.tx.buf[i]; if (!buf) { break; } link.tx.buf[i] = NULL; /* Mark as canceled */ BT_MESH_ADV(buf)->busy = 0U; net_buf_unref(buf); } } static uint8_t next_transaction_id(uint8_t id) { return (((id + 1) & XACT_ID_MAX) | (id & (XACT_ID_MAX+1))); } static void prov_clear_tx(void) { BT_DBG(""); k_delayed_work_cancel(&link.tx.retransmit); free_segments(); } static void reset_adv_link(void) { BT_DBG(""); prov_clear_tx(); k_delayed_work_cancel(&link.prot_timer); if (atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_PROVISIONER)) { /* Clear everything except the retransmit and protocol timer * delayed work objects. */ (void)memset(&link, 0, offsetof(struct pb_adv, tx.retransmit)); link.rx.id = XACT_ID_NVAL; } else { /* Accept another provisioning attempt */ link.id = 0; atomic_clear(link.flags); link.rx.id = XACT_ID_MAX; link.tx.id = XACT_ID_NVAL; } link.tx.pending_ack = XACT_ID_NVAL; if (!rx_buf) { rx_buf = NET_BUF_SIMPLE(65); } link.rx.buf = rx_buf; net_buf_simple_reset(link.rx.buf); } static void close_link(enum prov_bearer_link_status reason) { const struct prov_bearer_cb *cb = link.cb; void *cb_data = link.cb_data; reset_adv_link(); cb->link_closed(&pb_adv, cb_data, reason); } static struct os_mbuf *adv_buf_create(uint8_t retransmits) { struct os_mbuf *buf; buf = bt_mesh_adv_create(BT_MESH_ADV_PROV, BT_MESH_TRANSMIT(retransmits, 20), BUF_TIMEOUT); if (!buf) { BT_ERR("Out of provisioning buffers"); return NULL; } return buf; } static void ack_complete(uint16_t duration, int err, void *user_data) { BT_DBG("xact 0x%x complete", (uint8_t)link.tx.pending_ack); atomic_clear_bit(link.flags, ADV_ACK_PENDING); } static bool ack_pending(void) { return atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_ACK_PENDING); } static void prov_failed(uint8_t err) { BT_DBG("%u", err); link.cb->error(&pb_adv, link.cb_data, err); atomic_set_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_INVALID); } static void prov_msg_recv(void) { k_delayed_work_submit(&link.prot_timer, PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT); if (!bt_mesh_fcs_check(link.rx.buf, link.rx.fcs)) { BT_ERR("Incorrect FCS"); return; } gen_prov_ack_send(link.rx.id); if (atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_INVALID)) { BT_WARN("Unexpected msg 0x%02x on invalidated link", link.rx.buf->om_data[0]); prov_failed(PROV_ERR_UNEXP_PDU); return; } link.cb->recv(&pb_adv, link.cb_data, link.rx.buf); } static void protocol_timeout(struct ble_npl_event *work) { BT_DBG(""); link.rx.seg = 0U; close_link(PROV_BEARER_LINK_STATUS_TIMEOUT); } /******************************************************************************* * Generic provisioning ******************************************************************************/ static void gen_prov_ack_send(uint8_t xact_id) { static const struct bt_mesh_send_cb cb = { .start = ack_complete, }; const struct bt_mesh_send_cb *complete; struct os_mbuf *buf; bool pending = atomic_test_and_set_bit(link.flags, ADV_ACK_PENDING); BT_DBG("xact_id 0x%x", xact_id); if (pending && link.tx.pending_ack == xact_id) { BT_DBG("Not sending duplicate ack"); return; } buf = adv_buf_create(RETRANSMITS_ACK); if (!buf) { atomic_clear_bit(link.flags, ADV_ACK_PENDING); return; } if (pending) { complete = NULL; } else { link.tx.pending_ack = xact_id; complete = &cb; } net_buf_add_be32(buf, link.id); net_buf_add_u8(buf, xact_id); net_buf_add_u8(buf, GPC_ACK); bt_mesh_adv_send(buf, complete, NULL); net_buf_unref(buf); } static void gen_prov_cont(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf) { uint8_t seg = CONT_SEG_INDEX(rx->gpc); BT_DBG("len %u, seg_index %u", buf->om_len, seg); if (!link.rx.seg && link.rx.id == rx->xact_id) { if (!ack_pending()) { BT_DBG("Resending ack"); gen_prov_ack_send(rx->xact_id); } return; } if (!link.rx.seg && next_transaction_id(link.rx.id) == rx->xact_id) { BT_DBG("Start segment lost"); link.rx.id = rx->xact_id; net_buf_simple_reset(link.rx.buf); link.rx.seg = SEG_NVAL; link.rx.last_seg = SEG_NVAL; prov_clear_tx(); } else if (rx->xact_id != link.rx.id) { BT_WARN("Data for unknown transaction (0x%x != 0x%x)", rx->xact_id, link.rx.id); return; } if (seg > link.rx.last_seg) { BT_ERR("Invalid segment index %u", seg); prov_failed(PROV_ERR_NVAL_FMT); return; } if (!(link.rx.seg & BIT(seg))) { BT_DBG("Ignoring already received segment"); return; } memcpy(XACT_SEG_DATA(seg), buf->om_data, buf->om_len); XACT_SEG_RECV(seg); if (seg == link.rx.last_seg && !(link.rx.seg & BIT(0))) { uint8_t expect_len; expect_len = (link.rx.buf->om_len - 20U - ((link.rx.last_seg - 1) * 23U)); if (expect_len != buf->om_len) { BT_ERR("Incorrect last seg len: %u != %u", expect_len, buf->om_len); prov_failed(PROV_ERR_NVAL_FMT); return; } } if (!link.rx.seg) { prov_msg_recv(); } } static void gen_prov_ack(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf) { BT_DBG("len %u", buf->om_len); if (!link.tx.buf[0]) { return; } if (rx->xact_id == link.tx.id) { /* Don't clear resending of link_close messages */ if (!atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_CLOSING)) { prov_clear_tx(); } if (link.tx.cb) { link.tx.cb(0, link.tx.cb_data); } } } static void gen_prov_start(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf) { uint8_t seg = SEG_NVAL; if (rx->xact_id == link.rx.id) { if (!link.rx.seg) { if (!ack_pending()) { BT_DBG("Resending ack"); gen_prov_ack_send(rx->xact_id); } return; } if (!(link.rx.seg & BIT(0))) { BT_DBG("Ignoring duplicate segment"); return; } } else if (rx->xact_id != next_transaction_id(link.rx.id)) { BT_WARN("Unexpected xact 0x%x, expected 0x%x", rx->xact_id, next_transaction_id(link.rx.id)); return; } net_buf_simple_reset(link.rx.buf); link.rx.buf->om_len = net_buf_simple_pull_be16(buf); link.rx.id = rx->xact_id; link.rx.fcs = net_buf_simple_pull_u8(buf); BT_DBG("%p len %u last_seg %u total_len %u fcs 0x%02x", link.rx.buf, buf->om_len, START_LAST_SEG(rx->gpc), link.rx.buf->om_len, link.rx.fcs); if (link.rx.buf->om_len < 1) { BT_ERR("Ignoring zero-length provisioning PDU"); prov_failed(PROV_ERR_NVAL_FMT); return; } if (START_LAST_SEG(rx->gpc) > 0 && link.rx.buf->om_len <= 20U) { BT_ERR("Too small total length for multi-segment PDU"); prov_failed(PROV_ERR_NVAL_FMT); return; } prov_clear_tx(); link.rx.last_seg = START_LAST_SEG(rx->gpc); if ((link.rx.seg & BIT(0)) && (find_msb_set((~link.rx.seg) & SEG_NVAL) - 1 > link.rx.last_seg)) { BT_ERR("Invalid segment index %u", seg); prov_failed(PROV_ERR_NVAL_FMT); return; } if (link.rx.seg) { seg = link.rx.seg; } link.rx.seg = seg & ((1 << (START_LAST_SEG(rx->gpc) + 1)) - 1); memcpy(link.rx.buf->om_data, buf->om_data, buf->om_len); XACT_SEG_RECV(0); if (!link.rx.seg) { prov_msg_recv(); } } static void gen_prov_ctl(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf) { BT_DBG("op 0x%02x len %u", BEARER_CTL(rx->gpc), buf->om_len); switch (BEARER_CTL(rx->gpc)) { case LINK_OPEN: link_open(rx, buf); break; case LINK_ACK: if (!atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACTIVE)) { return; } link_ack(rx, buf); break; case LINK_CLOSE: if (!atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACTIVE)) { return; } link_close(rx, buf); break; default: BT_ERR("Unknown bearer opcode: 0x%02x", BEARER_CTL(rx->gpc)); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_TESTING)) { bt_test_mesh_prov_invalid_bearer(BEARER_CTL(rx->gpc)); } return; } } static const struct { void (*func)(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf); bool require_link; uint8_t min_len; } gen_prov[] = { { gen_prov_start, true, 3 }, { gen_prov_ack, true, 0 }, { gen_prov_cont, true, 0 }, { gen_prov_ctl, false, 0 }, }; static void gen_prov_recv(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf) { if (buf->om_len < gen_prov[GPCF(rx->gpc)].min_len) { BT_ERR("Too short GPC message type %u", GPCF(rx->gpc)); return; } if (!atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACTIVE) && gen_prov[GPCF(rx->gpc)].require_link) { BT_DBG("Ignoring message that requires active link"); return; } gen_prov[GPCF(rx->gpc)].func(rx, buf); } /******************************************************************************* * TX ******************************************************************************/ static void send_reliable(void) { int i; link.tx.start = k_uptime_get(); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(link.tx.buf); i++) { struct os_mbuf *buf = link.tx.buf[i]; if (!buf) { break; } if (i + 1 < ARRAY_SIZE(link.tx.buf) && link.tx.buf[i + 1]) { bt_mesh_adv_send(buf, NULL, NULL); } else { bt_mesh_adv_send(buf, &buf_sent_cb, NULL); } } } static void prov_retransmit(struct ble_npl_event *work) { int32_t timeout_ms; int i; BT_DBG(""); if (!atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACTIVE)) { BT_WARN("Link not active"); return; } /* * According to mesh profile spec (, the close message should * be restransmitted at least three times. Retransmit the link_close * message until CLOSING_TIMEOUT has elapsed. */ if (atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_CLOSING)) { timeout_ms = CLOSING_TIMEOUT; } else { timeout_ms = TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT; } if (k_uptime_get() - link.tx.start > timeout_ms) { if (atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_CLOSING)) { close_link(PROV_BEARER_LINK_STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { BT_WARN("Giving up transaction"); close_link(PROV_BEARER_LINK_STATUS_TIMEOUT); } return; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(link.tx.buf); i++) { struct os_mbuf *buf = link.tx.buf[i]; if (!buf) { break; } if (BT_MESH_ADV(buf)->busy) { continue; } BT_DBG("%u bytes: %s", buf->om_len, bt_hex(buf->om_data, buf->om_len)); if (i + 1 < ARRAY_SIZE(link.tx.buf) && link.tx.buf[i + 1]) { bt_mesh_adv_send(buf, NULL, NULL); } else { bt_mesh_adv_send(buf, &buf_sent_cb, NULL); } } } static int bearer_ctl_send(uint8_t op, const void *data, uint8_t data_len, bool reliable) { struct os_mbuf *buf; BT_DBG("op 0x%02x data_len %u", op, data_len); prov_clear_tx(); k_delayed_work_submit(&link.prot_timer, PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT); buf = adv_buf_create(reliable ? RETRANSMITS_RELIABLE : RETRANSMITS_UNRELIABLE); if (!buf) { return -ENOBUFS; } net_buf_add_be32(buf, link.id); /* Transaction ID, always 0 for Bearer messages */ net_buf_add_u8(buf, 0x00); net_buf_add_u8(buf, GPC_CTL(op)); net_buf_add_mem(buf, data, data_len); if (reliable) { link.tx.buf[0] = buf; send_reliable(); } else { bt_mesh_adv_send(buf, &buf_sent_cb, NULL); net_buf_unref(buf); } return 0; } static int prov_send_adv(struct os_mbuf *msg, prov_bearer_send_complete_t cb, void *cb_data) { struct os_mbuf *start, *buf; uint8_t seg_len, seg_id; prov_clear_tx(); k_delayed_work_submit(&link.prot_timer, PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT); start = adv_buf_create(RETRANSMITS_RELIABLE); if (!start) { return -ENOBUFS; } link.tx.id = next_transaction_id(link.tx.id); net_buf_add_be32(start, link.id); net_buf_add_u8(start, link.tx.id); net_buf_add_u8(start, GPC_START(last_seg(msg->om_len))); net_buf_add_be16(start, msg->om_len); net_buf_add_u8(start, bt_mesh_fcs_calc(msg->om_data, msg->om_len)); link.tx.buf[0] = start; link.tx.cb = cb; link.tx.cb_data = cb_data; BT_DBG("xact_id: 0x%x len: %u", link.tx.id, msg->om_len); seg_len = MIN(msg->om_len, START_PAYLOAD_MAX); BT_DBG("seg 0 len %u: %s", seg_len, bt_hex(msg->om_data, seg_len)); net_buf_add_mem(start, msg->om_data, seg_len); net_buf_simple_pull_mem(msg, seg_len); buf = start; for (seg_id = 1U; msg->om_len > 0; seg_id++) { if (seg_id >= ARRAY_SIZE(link.tx.buf)) { BT_ERR("Too big message"); free_segments(); return -E2BIG; } buf = adv_buf_create(RETRANSMITS_RELIABLE); if (!buf) { free_segments(); return -ENOBUFS; } link.tx.buf[seg_id] = buf; seg_len = MIN(msg->om_len, CONT_PAYLOAD_MAX); BT_DBG("seg %u len %u: %s", seg_id, seg_len, bt_hex(msg->om_data, seg_len)); net_buf_add_be32(buf, link.id); net_buf_add_u8(buf, link.tx.id); net_buf_add_u8(buf, GPC_CONT(seg_id)); net_buf_add_mem(buf, msg->om_data, seg_len); net_buf_simple_pull_mem(msg, seg_len); } send_reliable(); return 0; } /******************************************************************************* * Link management rx ******************************************************************************/ static void link_open(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf) { BT_DBG("len %u", buf->om_len); if (buf->om_len < 16) { BT_ERR("Too short bearer open message (len %u)", buf->om_len); return; } if (atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACTIVE)) { /* Send another link ack if the provisioner missed the last */ if (link.id == rx->link_id) { BT_DBG("Resending link ack"); bearer_ctl_send(LINK_ACK, NULL, 0, false); } else { BT_DBG("Ignoring bearer open: link already active"); } return; } if (memcmp(buf->om_data, bt_mesh_prov_get()->uuid, 16)) { BT_DBG("Bearer open message not for us"); return; } link.id = rx->link_id; atomic_set_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACTIVE); net_buf_simple_reset(link.rx.buf); bearer_ctl_send(LINK_ACK, NULL, 0, false); link.cb->link_opened(&pb_adv, link.cb_data); } static void link_ack(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf) { BT_DBG("len %u", buf->om_len); if (atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_PROVISIONER)) { if (atomic_test_and_set_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACK_RECVD)) { return; } prov_clear_tx(); link.cb->link_opened(&pb_adv, link.cb_data); } } static void link_close(struct prov_rx *rx, struct os_mbuf *buf) { BT_DBG("len %u", buf->om_len); if (buf->om_len != 1) { return; } close_link(net_buf_simple_pull_u8(buf)); } /******************************************************************************* * Higher level functionality ******************************************************************************/ void bt_mesh_pb_adv_recv(struct os_mbuf *buf) { struct prov_rx rx; if (!link.cb) { return; } if (buf->om_len < 6) { BT_WARN("Too short provisioning packet (len %u)", buf->om_len); return; } rx.link_id = net_buf_simple_pull_be32(buf); rx.xact_id = net_buf_simple_pull_u8(buf); rx.gpc = net_buf_simple_pull_u8(buf); if (atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACTIVE) && link.id != rx.link_id) { return; } BT_DBG("link_id 0x%08x xact_id 0x%x", rx.link_id, rx.xact_id); gen_prov_recv(&rx, buf); } static int prov_link_open(const uint8_t uuid[16], int32_t timeout, const struct prov_bearer_cb *cb, void *cb_data) { BT_DBG("uuid %s", bt_hex(uuid, 16)); if (atomic_test_and_set_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACTIVE)) { return -EBUSY; } atomic_set_bit(link.flags, ADV_PROVISIONER); bt_rand(&link.id, sizeof(link.id)); link.tx.id = XACT_ID_MAX; link.rx.id = XACT_ID_NVAL; link.cb = cb; link.cb_data = cb_data; net_buf_simple_reset(link.rx.buf); bearer_ctl_send(LINK_OPEN, uuid, 16, true); return 0; } static int prov_link_accept(const struct prov_bearer_cb *cb, void *cb_data) { if (atomic_test_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_ACTIVE)) { return -EBUSY; } link.rx.id = XACT_ID_MAX; link.tx.id = XACT_ID_NVAL; link.cb = cb; link.cb_data = cb_data; /* Make sure we're scanning for provisioning inviations */ bt_mesh_scan_enable(); /* Enable unprovisioned beacon sending */ bt_mesh_beacon_enable(); return 0; } static void prov_link_close(enum prov_bearer_link_status status) { if (atomic_test_and_set_bit(link.flags, ADV_LINK_CLOSING)) { return; } bearer_ctl_send(LINK_CLOSE, &status, 1, true); } void pb_adv_init(void) { k_delayed_work_init(&link.prot_timer, protocol_timeout); k_delayed_work_init(&link.tx.retransmit, prov_retransmit); if (!rx_buf) { rx_buf = NET_BUF_SIMPLE(65); } link.rx.buf = rx_buf; net_buf_simple_reset(link.rx.buf); } void pb_adv_reset(void) { reset_adv_link(); } const struct prov_bearer pb_adv = { .type = BT_MESH_PROV_ADV, .link_open = prov_link_open, .link_accept = prov_link_accept, .link_close = prov_link_close, .send = prov_send_adv, .clear_tx = prov_clear_tx, };