= Kulinar image::assets/icons/icon.png[Icon,46,46,float=left] This simple and efficient cooking app for Android is designed to improve your time with recipes. Organize, share and read recipes easily and comfortably. == Usage NOTE: This app does not contain any recipes by itself. Rather, the user is invited to write and compile their own recipes as well as rate, share and organize them. Manual backups or shares can be created through the settings menu. The resulting file contains all recipes. Also, the recipe notepad is able to parse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown[Markdown]. This means you can give style and structure to your recipes like this: [source,markdown] ---- # This will be a headline This would be regular text ## This will be a sub-headline - Unordered lists are interpreted as ingredients - Many ingredients 1. Ordered lists may be used as method steps 2. Or not, they are not interpreted ---- For more information read the https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/[Markdown Guide] by Matt Cone. == Features This is a table of all currently implemented and planned features: [cols="1,1"] |=== | *Implemented* | *Planned* | Favorite recipes | Server Synchronization for families or backups | Recipe ratings | Fine control over exports / imports | Image preview controls | Automatic recipe scanning | Show on lock screen | Smart search via ingredients | Search function | Ingredient filter | Recipe sharing | | Markdown formatting | | Integrated shopping list | | Manual export & imort functionality | | As private & non-invasive as possible |=== == Installation This app is available on the https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.davidpenkowoj.kulinar_app[Google Play Store]. It can also be compiled and installed from source using flutter. First make sure your device is connected, has enough storage and you have permission to install the app. Next, in the root directory of this repo run: ```bash flutter install ``` Regarding issues with the installation, bugs or related inqueries please write me an E-Mail at mailto:davidpenkow1@gmail.com[davidpenkow1@gmail.com]. == License This Software is excluisvely licensed under the EUPL v. 1.2. An English link:LICENSE[copy] is included in the code. Official translations can be found at the official website of the https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eupl/eupl-text-eupl-12[European Union].