{ "category1": "Recipes", "category2": "Rated", "category3": "New", "category4": "Favorites", "category5": "This Week", "category6": "Voting", "category7": "Shopping List", "category8": "Settings", "category9": "Info", "downloadSuccess": "Download successful.", "explanation1": "When to show recipe images", "explanation2": "Where should images be chosen from", "explanation3": "Soon available", "explanation4": "Export all data into a file", "explanation5": "Import data from a file", "exportError": "Export failed.", "exportSuccess": "Export successful.", "importError": "Import failed.", "importSuccess": "Import successful.", "info1": "Version", "info2": "Developer", "info3": "Website", "info4": "Source Code", "info5": "Privacy Notice", "info6": "Legal Notice", "info7": "Changelog", "infoField1": "Type", "infoField2": "Version", "infoField3": "Size", "infoField4": "Entries", "ingredientsAdded": "Ingredients noted on shopping list", "ingredientsError": "No ingredients found", "inputError": "Must not be empty.", "inputHint": "Title", "legalease": "This app is subject to the copyright of the developer. The limitations, conditions and permissions of the “EUPL v1.2” license apply. Third-party licenses are enclosed below.", "menu1": "Share", "menu2": "Shop", "menu3": "Upload", "menu4": "Delete", "mode1": "Details", "mode2": "Edit", "noContentError": "Nothing to see yet.", "noNetworkError": "Error while fetching recipes.", "option111": "Camera", "option112": "Gallery", "option211": "Always", "option212": "In search", "option213": "In lists", "option214": "Only in recipe", "option311": "Export", "option312": "Import", "removed": "Entry removed", "retry": "Retry", "setting11": "Show photos", "setting21": "Image source", "setting22": "Server settings", "setting31": "Export to File", "setting32": "Import form file", "settingTitle1": "Display", "settingTitle2": "Operation", "settingTitle3": "Data", "tapHint": "Check your downloads.", "undo": "Back", "unknown": "Unknown", "unknownError": "Something went wrong.", "uploadError": "Upload failed.", "uploadSuccess": "Upload successful." }