path: root/cmake-nRF5x/
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authorJF <>2019-11-17 20:47:04 +0100
committerJF <>2019-11-17 20:47:04 +0100
commit2ea27e0cdac91cd4743d9f12496bb3f911d9efa9 (patch)
treeae6488be1be14c2b83aff6e69a6e622088fb093a /cmake-nRF5x/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake-nRF5x/')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake-nRF5x/ b/cmake-nRF5x/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2ce76892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake-nRF5x/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# cmake-nRF5x
+Cmake script for projects targeting Nordic Semiconductor nRF5x series devices using the GCC toolchain from ARM.
+# Dependencies
+The script makes use of the following tools:
+- nRF5x SDK by Nordic Semiconductor - SoC specific drivers and libraries (also includes a lot of examples)
+- JLink by Segger - interface software for the JLink familiy of programmers
+- nrfjprog by Nordic Semiconductor - Wrapper utility around JLink
+- arm-non-eabi-gcc by ARM and the GCC Team - compiler toolchain for embedded (= bare metal) ARM chips
+# Setup
+1. Download this repo (or add as submodule) to the directory `cmake-nRF5x` in your project
+1. Search the SDK `example` directory for a `sdk_config.h`, `main.c` and a linker script (normally named `<project_name>_gcc_<chip familly>.ld`) that fits your chip and project needs.
+1. Copy the `sdk_config.h` and the project `main.c` into a new directory `src`. Modify them as required for your project.
+1. Copy the linker script into the root of your project. Rename it to just `gcc_<chip familly>.ld` For example:
+ ```
+ gcc_nrf51.ld
+ gcc_nrf52.ld
+ ```
+1. Create a new `CMakeLists.txt` file at the same level. Add the project standard cmake project header
+ A typical file may look like this:
+ ```
+ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
+ set(NRF_TARGET "nrf52")
+ # optional, won't be used if passing toolchain on command line (see below)
+ set(ARM_NONE_EABI_TOOLCHAIN_PATH "/usr/local/bin")
+ endif ()
+ set(NRF5_SDK_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchains/nRF5/nRF5_SDK")
+ set(NRFJPROG "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchains/nRF5/nrfjprog/nrfjprog")
+ include("cmake-nRF5x/CMake_nRF5x.cmake")
+ # must be called before first project call or add_subdirectory unless passing on command line
+ nRF5x_toolchainSetup()
+ project(YourProjectName C ASM)
+ nRF5x_setup()
+ nRF5x_addAppScheduler()
+ nRF5x_addAppFIFO()
+ nRF5x_addAppTimer()
+ nRF5x_addAppUART()
+ nRF5x_addAppButton()
+ nRF5x_addBLEGATT()
+ nRF5x_addBLEService(ble_bas)
+ add_definitions(-DCONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET)
+ include_directories("./src")
+ list(APPEND SOURCE_FILES "./src/main.c")
+ nRF5x_addExecutable(${PROJECT_NAME} "${SOURCE_FILES}")
+ ```
+ Adjust as needed for your project.
+ _Note_: you can add `CXX` between `C ASM` to add c++ support
+1. Optionally add additional libraries:
+ Only the most common drivers and libraries are wrapped with cmake macros.
+ To include BLE services, use `nRF5x_addBLEService(<service name>)`.
+ For other SDK libraries you can use `include_directories` and `list(APPEND SDK_SOURCE_FILES ...)` to add them. For example:
+ ```cmake
+ include_directories(
+ "${NRF5_SDK_PATH}/<library header directory path>"
+ )
+ "${NRF5_SDK_PATH}/<library source file path>"
+ )
+ ```
+# Build
+After setup you can use cmake as usual:
+1. Generate the actual build files (out-of-source builds are strongly recomended):
+ ```commandline
+ cmake -H. -B"cmake-build" -G "Unix Makefiles"
+ ```
+ You can optionally pass the toolchain to `cmake` when configuring:
+ ```
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=cmake-nRF5x/arm-gcc-toolchain.cmake
+ ```
+ but if you do so you must ensure the toolchain binaries are available in your environment PATH (i.e. work on the command line without specifying absolute path)
+2. Build your app:
+ ```commandline
+ cmake --build "cmake-build" --target <your project name>
+ ```
+# Flash
+In addition to the build target (named like your project) the script adds some support targets:
+`FLASH_SOFTDEVICE` To flash a nRF softdevice to the SoC (typically done only once for each SoC)
+cmake --build "cmake-build" --target FLASH_SOFTDEVICE
+`FLASH_<your project name>` To flash your application (this will also rebuild your App first)
+cmake --build "cmake-build" --target FLASH_<your project name>
+`FLASH_ERASE` To completely erase the SoC flash
+cmake --build "cmake-build" --target FLASH_ERASE
+# JLink Applications
+To start the gdb server and RTT terminal, build the target `START_JLINK`:
+cmake --build "cmake-build" --target START_JLINK
+# License
+MIT for the `CMake_nRF5x.cmake` file.
+Please note that the nRF5x SDK by Nordic Semiconductor is covered by it's own license and shouldn't be re-distributed.