path: root/tools/mcuboot/imgtool/
diff options
authorJF <>2021-03-07 18:45:35 +0100
committerGitea <gitea@fake.local>2021-03-07 18:45:35 +0100
commitc5dc4c55a79e0e3393df22e77825f24b6130a0bb (patch)
tree6f81eb191aa0c749cbef9b856d43ed4546302802 /tools/mcuboot/imgtool/
parentada942535718d48eec37cca4f50d678e7201dc67 (diff)
parent5845fd98ba68e12f1e57d50ed06abd7ccf47e029 (diff)
Merge branch 'recovery-firmware' of JF/PineTime into develop
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/mcuboot/imgtool/')
1 files changed, 552 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/mcuboot/imgtool/ b/tools/mcuboot/imgtool/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..291134d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/mcuboot/imgtool/
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
+# Copyright 2017 Linaro Limited
+# Copyright 2019-2020 Arm Limited
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Image signing and management.
+from . import version as versmod
+from .boot_record import create_sw_component_data
+import click
+from enum import Enum
+from intelhex import IntelHex
+import hashlib
+import struct
+import os.path
+from .keys import rsa, ecdsa, x25519
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec, padding
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519 import X25519PrivateKey
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PublicFormat
+from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, hmac
+from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
+IMAGE_MAGIC = 0x96f3b83d
+BIN_EXT = "bin"
+INTEL_HEX_EXT = "hex"
+DEP_IMAGES_KEY = "images"
+DEP_VERSIONS_KEY = "versions"
+MAX_SW_TYPE_LENGTH = 12 # Bytes
+# Image header flags.
+IMAGE_F = {
+ 'PIC': 0x0000001,
+ 'NON_BOOTABLE': 0x0000010,
+ 'RAM_LOAD': 0x0000020,
+ 'ENCRYPTED': 0x0000004,
+ 'KEYHASH': 0x01,
+ 'PUBKEY': 0x02,
+ 'SHA256': 0x10,
+ 'RSA2048': 0x20,
+ 'ECDSA224': 0x21,
+ 'ECDSA256': 0x22,
+ 'RSA3072': 0x23,
+ 'ED25519': 0x24,
+ 'ENCRSA2048': 0x30,
+ 'ENCKW128': 0x31,
+ 'ENCEC256': 0x32,
+ 'ENCX25519': 0x33,
+ 'DEPENDENCY': 0x40,
+ 'SEC_CNT': 0x50,
+ 'BOOT_RECORD': 0x60,
+TLV_INFO_MAGIC = 0x6907
+boot_magic = bytes([
+ 0x77, 0xc2, 0x95, 0xf3,
+ 0x60, 0xd2, 0xef, 0x7f,
+ 0x35, 0x52, 0x50, 0x0f,
+ 0x2c, 0xb6, 0x79, 0x80, ])
+ 'little': '<',
+ 'big': '>'
+VerifyResult = Enum('VerifyResult',
+ """
+ """)
+class TLV():
+ def __init__(self, endian, magic=TLV_INFO_MAGIC):
+ self.magic = magic
+ self.buf = bytearray()
+ self.endian = endian
+ def __len__(self):
+ return TLV_INFO_SIZE + len(self.buf)
+ def add(self, kind, payload):
+ """
+ Add a TLV record. Kind should be a string found in TLV_VALUES above.
+ """
+ e = STRUCT_ENDIAN_DICT[self.endian]
+ buf = struct.pack(e + 'BBH', TLV_VALUES[kind], 0, len(payload))
+ self.buf += buf
+ self.buf += payload
+ def get(self):
+ if len(self.buf) == 0:
+ return bytes()
+ e = STRUCT_ENDIAN_DICT[self.endian]
+ header = struct.pack(e + 'HH', self.magic, len(self))
+ return header + bytes(self.buf)
+class Image():
+ def __init__(self, version=None, header_size=IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE,
+ pad_header=False, pad=False, confirm=False, align=1,
+ slot_size=0, max_sectors=DEFAULT_MAX_SECTORS,
+ overwrite_only=False, endian="little", load_addr=0,
+ erased_val=None, save_enctlv=False, security_counter=None):
+ self.version = version or versmod.decode_version("0")
+ self.header_size = header_size
+ self.pad_header = pad_header
+ self.pad = pad
+ self.confirm = confirm
+ self.align = align
+ self.slot_size = slot_size
+ self.max_sectors = max_sectors
+ self.overwrite_only = overwrite_only
+ self.endian = endian
+ self.base_addr = None
+ self.load_addr = 0 if load_addr is None else load_addr
+ self.erased_val = 0xff if erased_val is None else int(erased_val, 0)
+ self.payload = []
+ self.enckey = None
+ self.save_enctlv = save_enctlv
+ self.enctlv_len = 0
+ if security_counter == 'auto':
+ # Security counter has not been explicitly provided,
+ # generate it from the version number
+ self.security_counter = ((self.version.major << 24)
+ + (self.version.minor << 16)
+ + self.version.revision)
+ else:
+ self.security_counter = security_counter
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Image version={}, header_size={}, security_counter={}, \
+ base_addr={}, load_addr={}, align={}, slot_size={}, \
+ max_sectors={}, overwrite_only={}, endian={} format={}, \
+ payloadlen=0x{:x}>".format(
+ self.version,
+ self.header_size,
+ self.security_counter,
+ self.base_addr if self.base_addr is not None else "N/A",
+ self.load_addr,
+ self.align,
+ self.slot_size,
+ self.max_sectors,
+ self.overwrite_only,
+ self.endian,
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ len(self.payload))
+ def load(self, path):
+ """Load an image from a given file"""
+ ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:].lower()
+ try:
+ if ext == INTEL_HEX_EXT:
+ ih = IntelHex(path)
+ self.payload = ih.tobinarray()
+ self.base_addr = ih.minaddr()
+ else:
+ with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ self.payload =
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ raise click.UsageError("Input file not found")
+ # Add the image header if needed.
+ if self.pad_header and self.header_size > 0:
+ if self.base_addr:
+ # Adjust base_addr for new header
+ self.base_addr -= self.header_size
+ self.payload = bytes([self.erased_val] * self.header_size) + \
+ self.payload
+ self.check_header()
+ def save(self, path, hex_addr=None):
+ """Save an image from a given file"""
+ ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:].lower()
+ if ext == INTEL_HEX_EXT:
+ # input was in binary format, but HEX needs to know the base addr
+ if self.base_addr is None and hex_addr is None:
+ raise click.UsageError("No address exists in input file "
+ "neither was it provided by user")
+ h = IntelHex()
+ if hex_addr is not None:
+ self.base_addr = hex_addr
+ h.frombytes(bytes=self.payload, offset=self.base_addr)
+ if self.pad:
+ trailer_size = self._trailer_size(self.align, self.max_sectors,
+ self.overwrite_only,
+ self.enckey,
+ self.save_enctlv,
+ self.enctlv_len)
+ trailer_addr = (self.base_addr + self.slot_size) - trailer_size
+ padding = bytes([self.erased_val] *
+ (trailer_size - len(boot_magic))) + boot_magic
+ h.puts(trailer_addr, padding)
+ h.tofile(path, 'hex')
+ else:
+ if self.pad:
+ self.pad_to(self.slot_size)
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(self.payload)
+ def check_header(self):
+ if self.header_size > 0 and not self.pad_header:
+ if any(v != 0 for v in self.payload[0:self.header_size]):
+ raise click.UsageError("Header padding was not requested and "
+ "image does not start with zeros")
+ def check_trailer(self):
+ if self.slot_size > 0:
+ tsize = self._trailer_size(self.align, self.max_sectors,
+ self.overwrite_only, self.enckey,
+ self.save_enctlv, self.enctlv_len)
+ padding = self.slot_size - (len(self.payload) + tsize)
+ if padding < 0:
+ msg = "Image size (0x{:x}) + trailer (0x{:x}) exceeds " \
+ "requested size 0x{:x}".format(
+ len(self.payload), tsize, self.slot_size)
+ raise click.UsageError(msg)
+ def ecies_hkdf(self, enckey, plainkey):
+ if isinstance(enckey, ecdsa.ECDSA256P1Public):
+ newpk = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1(), default_backend())
+ shared =, enckey._get_public())
+ else:
+ newpk = X25519PrivateKey.generate()
+ shared =
+ derived_key = HKDF(
+ algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), length=48, salt=None,
+ info=b'MCUBoot_ECIES_v1', backend=default_backend()).derive(shared)
+ encryptor = Cipher(algorithms.AES(derived_key[:16]),
+ modes.CTR(bytes([0] * 16)),
+ backend=default_backend()).encryptor()
+ cipherkey = encryptor.update(plainkey) + encryptor.finalize()
+ mac = hmac.HMAC(derived_key[16:], hashes.SHA256(),
+ backend=default_backend())
+ mac.update(cipherkey)
+ ciphermac = mac.finalize()
+ if isinstance(enckey, ecdsa.ECDSA256P1Public):
+ pubk = newpk.public_key().public_bytes(
+ encoding=Encoding.X962,
+ format=PublicFormat.UncompressedPoint)
+ else:
+ pubk = newpk.public_key().public_bytes(
+ encoding=Encoding.Raw,
+ format=PublicFormat.Raw)
+ return cipherkey, ciphermac, pubk
+ def create(self, key, public_key_format, enckey, dependencies=None,
+ sw_type=None):
+ self.enckey = enckey
+ # Calculate the hash of the public key
+ if key is not None:
+ pub = key.get_public_bytes()
+ sha = hashlib.sha256()
+ sha.update(pub)
+ pubbytes = sha.digest()
+ else:
+ pubbytes = bytes(hashlib.sha256().digest_size)
+ protected_tlv_size = 0
+ if self.security_counter is not None:
+ # Size of the security counter TLV: header ('HH') + payload ('I')
+ # = 4 + 4 = 8 Bytes
+ protected_tlv_size += TLV_SIZE + 4
+ if sw_type is not None:
+ if len(sw_type) > MAX_SW_TYPE_LENGTH:
+ msg = "'{}' is too long ({} characters) for sw_type. Its " \
+ "maximum allowed length is 12 characters.".format(
+ sw_type, len(sw_type))
+ raise click.UsageError(msg)
+ image_version = (str(self.version.major) + '.'
+ + str(self.version.minor) + '.'
+ + str(self.version.revision))
+ # The image hash is computed over the image header, the image
+ # itself and the protected TLV area. However, the boot record TLV
+ # (which is part of the protected area) should contain this hash
+ # before it is even calculated. For this reason the script fills
+ # this field with zeros and the bootloader will insert the right
+ # value later.
+ digest = bytes(hashlib.sha256().digest_size)
+ # Create CBOR encoded boot record
+ boot_record = create_sw_component_data(sw_type, image_version,
+ "SHA256", digest,
+ pubbytes)
+ protected_tlv_size += TLV_SIZE + len(boot_record)
+ if dependencies is not None:
+ # Size of a Dependency TLV = Header ('HH') + Payload('IBBHI')
+ # = 4 + 12 = 16 Bytes
+ dependencies_num = len(dependencies[DEP_IMAGES_KEY])
+ protected_tlv_size += (dependencies_num * 16)
+ if protected_tlv_size != 0:
+ # Add the size of the TLV info header
+ protected_tlv_size += TLV_INFO_SIZE
+ # At this point the image is already on the payload, this adds
+ # the header to the payload as well
+ self.add_header(enckey, protected_tlv_size)
+ prot_tlv = TLV(self.endian, TLV_PROT_INFO_MAGIC)
+ # Protected TLVs must be added first, because they are also included
+ # in the hash calculation
+ protected_tlv_off = None
+ if protected_tlv_size != 0:
+ e = STRUCT_ENDIAN_DICT[self.endian]
+ if self.security_counter is not None:
+ payload = struct.pack(e + 'I', self.security_counter)
+ prot_tlv.add('SEC_CNT', payload)
+ if sw_type is not None:
+ prot_tlv.add('BOOT_RECORD', boot_record)
+ if dependencies is not None:
+ for i in range(dependencies_num):
+ payload = struct.pack(
+ e + 'B3x'+'BBHI',
+ int(dependencies[DEP_IMAGES_KEY][i]),
+ dependencies[DEP_VERSIONS_KEY][i].major,
+ dependencies[DEP_VERSIONS_KEY][i].minor,
+ dependencies[DEP_VERSIONS_KEY][i].revision,
+ dependencies[DEP_VERSIONS_KEY][i].build
+ )
+ prot_tlv.add('DEPENDENCY', payload)
+ protected_tlv_off = len(self.payload)
+ self.payload += prot_tlv.get()
+ tlv = TLV(self.endian)
+ # Note that ecdsa wants to do the hashing itself, which means
+ # we get to hash it twice.
+ sha = hashlib.sha256()
+ sha.update(self.payload)
+ digest = sha.digest()
+ tlv.add('SHA256', digest)
+ if key is not None:
+ if public_key_format == 'hash':
+ tlv.add('KEYHASH', pubbytes)
+ else:
+ tlv.add('PUBKEY', pub)
+ # `sign` expects the full image payload (sha256 done internally),
+ # while `sign_digest` expects only the digest of the payload
+ if hasattr(key, 'sign'):
+ sig = key.sign(bytes(self.payload))
+ else:
+ sig = key.sign_digest(digest)
+ tlv.add(key.sig_tlv(), sig)
+ # At this point the image was hashed + signed, we can remove the
+ # protected TLVs from the payload (will be re-added later)
+ if protected_tlv_off is not None:
+ self.payload = self.payload[:protected_tlv_off]
+ if enckey is not None:
+ plainkey = os.urandom(16)
+ if isinstance(enckey, rsa.RSAPublic):
+ cipherkey = enckey._get_public().encrypt(
+ plainkey, padding.OAEP(
+ mgf=padding.MGF1(algorithm=hashes.SHA256()),
+ algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
+ label=None))
+ self.enctlv_len = len(cipherkey)
+ tlv.add('ENCRSA2048', cipherkey)
+ elif isinstance(enckey, (ecdsa.ECDSA256P1Public,
+ x25519.X25519Public)):
+ cipherkey, mac, pubk = self.ecies_hkdf(enckey, plainkey)
+ enctlv = pubk + mac + cipherkey
+ self.enctlv_len = len(enctlv)
+ if isinstance(enckey, ecdsa.ECDSA256P1Public):
+ tlv.add('ENCEC256', enctlv)
+ else:
+ tlv.add('ENCX25519', enctlv)
+ nonce = bytes([0] * 16)
+ cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(plainkey), modes.CTR(nonce),
+ backend=default_backend())
+ encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
+ img = bytes(self.payload[self.header_size:])
+ self.payload[self.header_size:] = \
+ encryptor.update(img) + encryptor.finalize()
+ self.payload += prot_tlv.get()
+ self.payload += tlv.get()
+ self.check_trailer()
+ def add_header(self, enckey, protected_tlv_size):
+ """Install the image header."""
+ flags = 0
+ if enckey is not None:
+ flags |= IMAGE_F['ENCRYPTED']
+ if self.load_addr != 0:
+ # Indicates that this image should be loaded into RAM
+ # instead of run directly from flash.
+ flags |= IMAGE_F['RAM_LOAD']
+ e = STRUCT_ENDIAN_DICT[self.endian]
+ fmt = (e +
+ # type ImageHdr struct {
+ 'I' + # Magic uint32
+ 'I' + # LoadAddr uint32
+ 'H' + # HdrSz uint16
+ 'H' + # PTLVSz uint16
+ 'I' + # ImgSz uint32
+ 'I' + # Flags uint32
+ 'BBHI' + # Vers ImageVersion
+ 'I' # Pad1 uint32
+ ) # }
+ assert struct.calcsize(fmt) == IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE
+ header = struct.pack(fmt,
+ self.load_addr,
+ self.header_size,
+ protected_tlv_size, # TLV Info header + Protected TLVs
+ len(self.payload) - self.header_size, # ImageSz
+ flags,
+ self.version.major,
+ self.version.minor or 0,
+ self.version.revision or 0,
+ or 0,
+ 0) # Pad1
+ self.payload = bytearray(self.payload)
+ self.payload[:len(header)] = header
+ def _trailer_size(self, write_size, max_sectors, overwrite_only, enckey,
+ save_enctlv, enctlv_len):
+ # NOTE: should already be checked by the argument parser
+ magic_size = 16
+ if overwrite_only:
+ return MAX_ALIGN * 2 + magic_size
+ else:
+ if write_size not in set([1, 2, 4, 8]):
+ raise click.BadParameter("Invalid alignment: {}".format(
+ write_size))
+ m = DEFAULT_MAX_SECTORS if max_sectors is None else max_sectors
+ trailer = m * 3 * write_size # status area
+ if enckey is not None:
+ if save_enctlv:
+ # TLV saved by the bootloader is aligned
+ keylen = (int((enctlv_len - 1) / MAX_ALIGN) + 1) * MAX_ALIGN
+ else:
+ keylen = 16
+ trailer += keylen * 2 # encryption keys
+ trailer += MAX_ALIGN * 4 # image_ok/copy_done/swap_info/swap_size
+ trailer += magic_size
+ return trailer
+ def pad_to(self, size):
+ """Pad the image to the given size, with the given flash alignment."""
+ tsize = self._trailer_size(self.align, self.max_sectors,
+ self.overwrite_only, self.enckey,
+ self.save_enctlv, self.enctlv_len)
+ padding = size - (len(self.payload) + tsize)
+ pbytes = bytearray([self.erased_val] * padding)
+ pbytes += bytearray([self.erased_val] * (tsize - len(boot_magic)))
+ if self.confirm and not self.overwrite_only:
+ pbytes[-MAX_ALIGN] = 0x01 # image_ok = 0x01
+ pbytes += boot_magic
+ self.payload += pbytes
+ @staticmethod
+ def verify(imgfile, key):
+ with open(imgfile, "rb") as f:
+ b =
+ magic, _, header_size, _, img_size = struct.unpack('IIHHI', b[:16])
+ version = struct.unpack('BBHI', b[20:28])
+ if magic != IMAGE_MAGIC:
+ return VerifyResult.INVALID_MAGIC, None
+ tlv_info = b[header_size+img_size:header_size+img_size+TLV_INFO_SIZE]
+ magic, tlv_tot = struct.unpack('HH', tlv_info)
+ if magic != TLV_INFO_MAGIC:
+ return VerifyResult.INVALID_TLV_INFO_MAGIC, None
+ sha = hashlib.sha256()
+ sha.update(b[:header_size+img_size])
+ digest = sha.digest()
+ tlv_off = header_size + img_size
+ tlv_end = tlv_off + tlv_tot
+ tlv_off += TLV_INFO_SIZE # skip tlv info
+ while tlv_off < tlv_end:
+ tlv = b[tlv_off:tlv_off+TLV_SIZE]
+ tlv_type, _, tlv_len = struct.unpack('BBH', tlv)
+ if tlv_type == TLV_VALUES["SHA256"]:
+ off = tlv_off + TLV_SIZE
+ if digest == b[off:off+tlv_len]:
+ if key is None:
+ return VerifyResult.OK, version
+ else:
+ return VerifyResult.INVALID_HASH, None
+ elif key is not None and tlv_type == TLV_VALUES[key.sig_tlv()]:
+ off = tlv_off + TLV_SIZE
+ tlv_sig = b[off:off+tlv_len]
+ payload = b[:header_size+img_size]
+ try:
+ if hasattr(key, 'verify'):
+ key.verify(tlv_sig, payload)
+ else:
+ key.verify_digest(tlv_sig, digest)
+ return VerifyResult.OK, version
+ except InvalidSignature:
+ # continue to next TLV
+ pass
+ tlv_off += TLV_SIZE + tlv_len
+ return VerifyResult.INVALID_SIGNATURE, None