path: root/src/libs/lvgl/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 406 deletions
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-# Changelog
-## v7.10.1
-### Bugfixes
-- fix(draw) overlap outline with background to prevent aliasing artifacts
-- fix(indev) clear the indev's `act_obj` in `lv_indev_reset`
-- fix(text) fix out of bounds read in `_lv_txt_get_width`
-- fix(text) improve Arabic contextual analysis by adding hyphen processing and proper handling of lam-alef sequence
-- fix(delete) delete animation after the children are deleted
-- fix(gauge) consider paddigns for needle images
-## v7.10.0
-### New features
-- feat(indev) allow input events to be passed to disabled objects
-- feat(spinbox) add inline get_step function for MicroPython support
-### Bugfixes
-- fix(btnmatrix) fix lv_btnmatrix_get_active_btn_text() when used in a group
-## v7.9.1
-### Bugfixes
-- fix(cpicker) fix division by zero
-- fix(dropdown) fix selecting options after the last one
-- fix(msgbox) use the animation time provided
-- fix(gpu_nxp_pxp) fix incorrect define name
-- fix(indev) don't leave edit mode if there is only one object in the group
-- fix(draw_rect) fix draw pattern stack-use-after-scope error
-## v7.9.0
-### New features
-- feat(chart) add lv_chart_remove_series and lv_chart_hide_series
-- feat(img_cahce) allow disabling image caching
-- calendar: make get_day_of_week() public
-- Added support for Zephyr integration
-### Bugfixes
-- fix(draw_rect) free buffer used for arabic processing
-- fix(win) arabic process the title of the window
-- fix(dropdown) arabic process the option in lv_dropdown_add_option
-- fix(textarea) buffer overflow in password mode with UTF-8 characters
-- fix(textarea) cursor position after hiding character in password mode
-- fix(linemeter) draw critical lines with correct color
-- fix(kconfig) handle disable sprintf float correctly.
-- fix(layout) stop layout after recursion threshold is reached
-- fix(gauge) fix redraw with image needle
-## v7.8.1
-### Bugfixes
-- fix(lv_scr_load_anim) fix when multiple screen are loaded at tsame time with delay
-- fix(page) fix LV_SCOLLBAR_MODE_DRAG
-## v7.8.0 (01.12.2020)
-### New features
-- make DMA2D non blocking
-- add unscii-16 built-in font
-- add KConfig
-- add lv_refr_get_fps_avg()
-### Bugfixes
-- fix(btnmatrix) handle arabic texts in button matrices
-- fix(indev) disabled object shouldn't absorb clicks but let the parent to be clicked
-- fix(arabic) support processing again already processed texts with _lv_txt_ap_proc
-- fix(textarea) support Arabic letter connections
-- fix(dropdown) support Arabic letter connections
-- fix(value_str) support Arabic letter connections in value string property
-- fix(indev) in LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON recognize 1 cycle long presses too
-- fix(arc) make arc work with encoder
-- fix(slider) adjusting the left knob too with encoder
-- fix reference to LV_DRAW_BUF_MAX_NUM in lv_mem.c
-- fix(polygon draw) join adjacent points if they are on the same coordinate
-- fix(linemeter) fix invalidation when setting new value
-- fix(table) add missing invalidation when changing cell type
-## v7.7.2 (17.11.2020)
-### Bugfixes
-- fix(draw_triangle): fix polygon/triangle drawing when the order of points is counter-clockwise
-- fix(btnmatrix): fix setting the same map with modified pointers
-- fix(arc) fix and improve arc dragging
-- label: Repair calculate back `dot` character logical error which cause infinite loop.
-- fix(theme_material): remove the bottom border from tabview header
-- fix(imgbtn) guess a the closest available state with valid src
-- fix(spinbox) update cursor position in lv_spinbox_set_step
-## v7.7.1 (03.11.2020)
-### Bugfixes
-- Respect btnmatrix's `one_check` in `lv_btnmatrix_set_btn_ctrl`
-- Gauge: make the needle images to use the styles from `LV_GAUGE_PART_PART`
-- Group: fix in `lv_group_remove_obj` to handle deleting hidden obejcts correctly
-## v7.7.0 (20.10.2020)
-### New features
-- Add PXP GPU support (for NXP MCUs)
-- Add VG-Lite GPU support (for NXP MCUs)
-- Allow max. 16 cell types for table
-- Add `lv_table_set_text_fmt()`
-- Use margin on calendar header to set distances and padding to the size of the header
-- Add `text_sel_bg` style property
-### Bugfixes
-- Theme update to support text selection background
-- Fix imgbtn state change
-- Support RTL in table (draw columns right to left)
-- Support RTL in pretty layout (draw columns right to left)
-- Skip objects in groups if they are in disabled state
-- Fix dropdown selection with RTL basedirection
-- Fix rectangle border drawing with large width
-- Fix `lv_win_clean()`
-## v7.6.1 (06.10.2020)
-### Bugfixes
-- Fix BIDI support in dropdown list
-- Fix copying base dir in `lv_obj_create`
-- Handle sub pixel rendering in font loader
-- Fix transitions with style caching
-- Fix click focus
-- Fix imgbtn image switching with empty style
-- Material theme: do not set the text font to allow easy global font change
-## v7.6.0 (22.09.2020)
-### New features
-- Check whether any style property has changed on a state change to decide if any redraw is required
-### Bugfixes
-- Fix selection of options with non-ASCII letters in dropdown list
-- Fix font loader to support LV_FONT_FMT_TXT_LARGE
-## v7.5.0 (15.09.2020)
-### New features
-- Add `clean_dcache_cb` and `lv_disp_clean_dcache` to enable users to use their own cache management function
-- Add `gpu_wait_cb` to wait until the GPU is working. It allows to run CPU a wait only when the rendered data is needed.
-- Add 10px and 8ox built in fonts
-### Bugfixes
-- Fix unexpected DEFOCUS on lv_page when clicking to bg after the scrollable
-- Fix `lv_obj_del` and `lv_obj_clean` if the children list changed during deletion.
-- Adjust button matrix button width to include padding when spanning multiple units.
-- Add rounding to btnmatrix line height calculation
-- Add `decmopr_buf` to GC roots
-- Fix divisioin by zero in draw_pattern (lv_draw_rect.c) if the image or letter is not found
-- Fix drawing images with 1 px height or width
-## v7.4.0 (01.09.2020)
-The main new features of v7.4 are run-time font loading, style caching and arc knob with value setting by click.
-### New features
-- Add `lv_font_load()` function - Loads a `lv_font_t` object from a binary font file
-- Add `lv_font_free()` function - Frees the memory allocated by the `lv_font_load()` function
-- Add style caching to reduce access time of properties with default value
-- arc: add set value by click feature
-- arc: add `LV_ARC_PART_KNOB` similarly to slider
-- send gestures event if the object was dragged. User can check dragging with `lv_indev_is_dragging(lv_indev_act())` in the event function.
-### Bugfixes
-- Fix color bleeding on border drawing
-- Fix croping of last column/row if an image is zoomed
-- Fix zooming and rotateing mosaic images
-- Fix deleting tabview with LEFT/RIGHT tab position
-- Fix btnmatrix to not send event when CLICK_TRIG = true and the cursor slid from a pressed button
-- Fix roller width if selected text is larger than the normal
-## v7.3.1 (18.08.2020)
-### Bugfixes
-- Fix drawing value string twice
-- Rename `lv_chart_clear_serie` to `lv_chart_clear_series` and `lv_obj_align_origo` to `lv_obj_align_mid`
-- Add linemeter's mirror feature again
-- Fix text decor (udnerline strikethrough) with older versions of font converter
-- Fix setting local style property multiple times
-- Add missing background drawing and radius handling to image button
-- Allow adding extra label to list buttons
-- Fix crash if `lv_table_set_col_cnt` is called before `lv_table_set_row_cnt` for the first time
-- Fix overflow in large image transformations
-- Limit extra button click area of button matrix's buttons. With large paddings it was counter intuitive. (Gaps are mapped to button when clicked).
-- Fix `lv_btnmatrix_set_one_check` not forcing exactly one button to be checked
-- Fix color picker invalidation in rectangle mode
-- Init disabled days to gray color in calendar
-## v7.3.0 (04.08.2020)
-### New features
-- Add `lv_task_get_next`
-- Add `lv_event_send_refresh`, `lv_event_send_refresh_recursive` to easily send `LV_EVENT_REFRESH` to object
-- Add `lv_tabview_set_tab_name()` function - used to change a tab's name
-- Reduce code size by adding: `LV_USE_FONT_COMPRESSED` and `LV_FONT_USE_SUBPX` and applying some optimization
-- Add `LV_MEMCPY_MEMSET_STD` to use standard `memcpy` and `memset`
-### Bugfixes
-- Do not print warning for missing glyph if its height OR width is zero.
-- Prevent duplicated sending of `LV_EVENT_INSERT` from text area
-- Tidy outer edges of cpicker widget.
-- Remove duplicated lines from `lv_tabview_add_tab`
-- btnmatrix: hadle combined states of buttons (e.g. chacked + disabled)
-- textarea: fix typo in lv_textarea_set_sscrollbar_mode
-- gauge: fix image needle drawing
-- fix using freed memory in _lv_style_list_remove_style
-## v7.2.0 (21.07.2020)
-### New features
-- Add screen transitions with `lv_scr_load_anim()`
-- Add display background color, wallpaper and opacity. Shown when the screen is transparent. Can be used with `lv_disp_set_bg_opa/color/image()`.
-- Add `lv_chart_set_x_start_point()` function - Set the index of the x-axis start point in the data array
-- Add `lv_chart_set_ext_array()` function - Set an external array of data points to use for the chart
-- Add `lv_chart_set_point_id()` function - Set an individual point value in the chart series directly based on index
-- Add `lv_chart_get_x_start_point()` function - Get the current index of the x-axis start point in the data array
-- Add `lv_chart_get_point_id()` function - Get an individual point value in the chart series directly based on index
-- Add `ext_buf_assigned` bit field to `lv_chart_series_t` structure - it's true if external buffer is assigned to series
-- Add `lv_chart_set_series_axis()` to assign series to primary or secondary axis
-- Add `lv_chart_set_y_range()` to allow setting range of secondary y axis (based on `lv_chart_set_range` but extended with an axis parameter)
-- Allow setting different font for the selected text in `lv_roller`
-- Add `theme->apply_cb` to replace `theme->apply_xcb` to make it compatible with the MicroPython binding
-- Add `lv_theme_set_base()` to allow easy extension of built-in (or any) themes
-- Add `lv_obj_align_x()` and `lv_obj_align_y()` functions
-- Add `lv_obj_align_origo_x()` and `lv_obj_align_origo_y()` functions
-### Bugfixes
-- `tileview` fix navigation when not screen sized
-- Use 14px font by default to for better compatibility with smaller displays
-- `linemeter` fix conversation of current value to "level"
-- Fix drawing on right border
-- Set the cursor image non clickable by default
-- Improve mono theme when used with keyboard or encoder
-## v7.1.0 (07.07.2020)
-### New features
-- Add `focus_parent` attribute to `lv_obj`
-- Allow using buttons in encoder input device
-- Add lv_btnmatrix_set/get_align capability
-- DMA2D: Remove dependency on ST CubeMX HAL
-- Added `max_used` propriety to `lv_mem_monitor_t` struct
-- In `lv_init` test if the strings are UTF-8 encoded.
-- Add `user_data` to themes
-- Add LV_BIG_ENDIAN_SYSTEM flag to lv_conf.h in order to fix displaying images on big endian systems.
-- Add inline function lv_checkbox_get_state(const lv_obj_t * cb) to extend the checkbox functionality.
-- Add inline function lv_checkbox_set_state(const lv_obj_t * cb, lv_btn_state_t state ) to extend the checkbox functionality.
-### Bugfixes
-- `lv_img` fix invalidation area when angle or zoom changes
-- Update the style handling to support Big endian MCUs
-- Change some methods to support big endian hardware.
-- remove use of c++ keyword 'new' in parameter of function lv_theme_set_base().
-- Add LV_BIG_ENDIAN_SYSTEM flag to lv_conf.h in order to fix displaying images on big endian systems.
-- Fix inserting chars in text area in big endian hardware.
-## v7.0.2 (16.06.2020)
-### Bugfixes
-- `lv_textarea` fix wrong cursor position when clicked after the last character
-- Change all text related indices from 16-bit to 32-bit integers throughout whole library. #1545
-- Fix gestures
-- Do not call `set_px_cb` for transparent pixel
-- Fix list button focus in material theme
-- Fix crash when the a text area is cleared with the backspace of a keyboard
-- Add version number to `lv_conf_template.h`
-- Add log in true double buffering mode with `set_px_cb`
-- `lv_dropdown`: fix missing `LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED` event when used with encoder
-- `lv_tileview`: fix if not the {0;0} tile is created first
-- `lv_debug`: restructure to allow asserting in from `lv_misc` too
-- add assert if `_lv_mem_buf_get()` fails
-- `lv_textarea`: fix character delete in password mode
-- Update `LV_OPA_MIN` and `LV_OPA_MAX` to widen the opacity processed range
-- `lv_btnm` fix sending events for hidden buttons
-- `lv_gaguge` make `lv_gauge_set_angle_offset` offset the labels and needles too
-- Fix typo in the API `scrllable` -> `scrollable`
-- `tabview` by default allow auto expanding the page only to right and bottom (#1573)
-- fix crash when drawing gradient to the same color
-- chart: fix memory leak
-- `img`: improve hit test for transformed images
-## v7.0.1 (01.06.2020)
-### Bugfixes
-- Make the Microptyhon working by adding the required variables as GC_ROOT
-- Prefix some internal API functions with `_` to reduce the API of LVGL
-- Fix built-in SimSun CJK font
-- Fix UTF-8 encoding when `LV_USE_ARABIC_PERSIAN_CHARS` is enabled
-- Fix DMA2D usage when 32 bit images directly blended
-- Fix lv_roller in infinite mode when used with encoder
-- Add `lv_theme_get_color_secondary()`
-- Add `LV_COLOR_MIX_ROUND_OFS` to adjust color mixing to make it compatible with the GPU
-- Improve DMA2D blending
-- Remove memcpy from `lv_ll` (caused issues with some optimization settings)
-- `lv_chart` fix X tick drawing
-- Fix vertical dashed line drawing
-- Some additional minor fixes and formattings
-## v7.0.0 (18.05.2020)
-### Documentation
-The docs for v7 is available at
-### Legal changes
-The name of the project is changed to LVGL and the new website is on
-LVGL remains free under the same conditions (MIT license) and a company is created to manage LVGL and offer services.
-### New drawing system
-Complete rework of LVGL's draw engine to use "masks" for more advanced and higher quality graphical effects.
-A possible use-case of this system is to remove the overflowing content from the rounded edges.
-It also allows drawing perfectly anti-aliased circles, lines, and arcs.
-Internally, the drawings happen by defining masks (such as rounded rectangle, line, angle).
-When something is drawn the currently active masks can make some pixels transparent.
-For example, rectangle borders are drawn by using 2 rectangle masks: one mask removes the inner part and another the outer part.
-The API in this regard remained the same but some new functions were added:
-- `lv_img_set_zoom`: set image object's zoom factor
-- `lv_img_set_angle`: set image object's angle without using canvas
-- `lv_img_set_pivot`: set the pivot point of rotation
-The new drawing engine brought new drawing features too. They are highlighted in the "style" section.
-### New style system
-The old style system is replaced with a new more flexible and lightweighted one.
-It uses an approach similar to CSS: support cascading styles, inheriting properties and local style properties per object.
-As part of these updates, a lot of objects were reworked and the APIs have been changed.
-- more shadows options: *offset* and *spread*
-- gradient stop position to shift the gradient area and horizontal gradient
-- *clip corner*: crop the content on the rounded corners
-- *text underline* and *strikethrough*
-- dashed vertical and horizontal lines (*dash gap*, *dash_width*)
-- *outline*: a border-like part drawn out of the background. Can have spacing to the background.
-- *pattern*: display and image in the middle of the background or repeat it
-- *value* display a text which is stored in the style. It can be used e.g. as a lighweighted text on buttons too.
-- *margin*: similar to *padding* but used to keep space outside of the object
-Read the [Style]( section of the documentation to learn how the new styles system works.
-### GPU integration
-To better utilize GPUs, from this version GPU usage can be integrated into LVGL. In `lv_conf.h` any supported GPUs can be enabled with a single configuration option.
-Right now, only ST's DMA2D (Chrom-ART) is integrated. More will in the upcoming releases.
-### Renames
-The following object types are renamed:
-- sw -> switch
-- ta -> textarea
-- cb -> checkbox
-- lmeter -> linemeter
-- mbox -> msgbox
-- ddlist -> dropdown
-- btnm -> btnmatrix
-- kb -> keyboard
-- preload -> spinner
-- lv_objx folder -> lv_widgets
-### Reworked and improved object
-- `dropdown`: Completely reworked. Now creates a separate list when opened and can be dropped to down/up/left/right.
-- `label`: `body_draw` is removed, instead, if its style has a visible background/border/shadow etc it will be drawn. Padding really makes the object larger (not just virtually as before)
-- `arc`: can draw bacground too.
-- `btn`: doesn't store styles for each state because it's done naturally in the new style system.
-- `calendar`: highlight the pressed datum. The used styles are changed: use `LV_CALENDAR_PART_DATE` normal for normal dates, checked for highlighted, focused for today, pressed for the being pressed. (checked+pressed, focused+pressed also work)
-- `chart`: only has `LINE` and `COLUMN` types because with new styles all the others can be described. LV_CHART_PART_SERIES sets the style of the series. bg_opa > 0 draws an area in LINE mode. `LV_CHART_PART_SERIES_BG` also added to set a different style for the series area. Padding in `LV_CHART_PART_BG` makes the series area smaller, and it ensures space for axis labels/numbers.
-- `linemeter`, `gauge`: can have background if the related style properties are set. Padding makes the scale/lines smaller. scale_border_width and scale_end_border_width allow to draw an arc on the outer part of the scale lines.
-- `gauge`: `lv_gauge_set_needle_img` allows use image as needle
-- `canvas`: allow drawing to true color alpha and alpha only canvas, add `lv_canvas_blur_hor/ver` and rename `lv_canvas_rotate` to `lv_canvas_transform`
-- `textarea`: If available in the font use bullet (`U+2022`) character in text area password
-### New object types
-- `lv_objmask`: masks can be added to it. The children will be masked accordingly.
-### Others
-- Change the built-in fonts to [Montserrat]( and add built-in fonts from 12 px to 48 px for every 2nd size.
-- Add example CJK and Arabic/Persian/Hebrew built-in font
-- Add ° and "bullet" to the built-in fonts
-- Add Arabic/Persian script support: change the character according to its position in the text.
-- Add `playback_time` to animations.
-- Add `repeat_count` to animations instead of the current "repeat forever".
-### Demos
-- [lv_examples]( was reworked and new examples and demos were added
-### New release policy
-- Maintain this Changelog for every release
-- Save old major version in new branches. E.g. `release/v6`
-- Merge new features and fixes directly into `master` and release a patch or minor releases every 2 weeks.
-### Migrating from v6 to v7
-- First and foremost, create a new `lv_conf.h` based on `lv_conf_template.h`.
-- To try the new version it suggested using a simulator project and see the examples.
-- If you have a running project, the most difficult part of the migration is updating to the new style system. Unfortunately, there is no better way than manually updating to the new format.
-- The other parts are mainly minor renames and refactoring as described above.