diff options
5 files changed, 173 insertions, 340 deletions
diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_de.arb b/lib/l10n/app_de.arb
index f5deea9..9301b9d 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/app_de.arb
+++ b/lib/l10n/app_de.arb
@@ -1,64 +1,69 @@
- "category1": "Rezepte",
- "category2": "Bewertet",
- "category3": "Neu",
- "category4": "Favoriten",
- "category5": "Diese Woche",
- "category6": "Abstimmung",
- "category7": "Einkaufsliste",
- "category8": "Einstellungen",
- "category9": "Info",
- "mode1": "Details",
- "mode2": "Bearbeiten",
- "downloadSuccess": "Download erfolgreich.",
- "uploadError": "Upload fehlgeschlagen.",
- "uploadSuccess": "Upload erfolgreich.",
- "exportError": "Export fehlgeschlagen.",
- "exportSuccess": "Export erfolgreich.",
- "importError": "Import fehlgeschlagen.",
- "importSuccess": "Import erfolgreich.",
- "tapHint": "Überprüfen Sie ihre Downloads.",
- "ingredientsError": "Keine Zutaten gefunden",
- "ingredientsAdded": "Zur Einkaufsliste hinzugefügt",
- "inputError": "Darf nicht leer sein.",
- "inputHint": "Titel",
- "info1": "Version",
- "info2": "Entwickler",
- "info3": "Webseite",
- "info4": "Quellcode",
- "info5": "Datenschutzerklärung",
- "info6": "Lizenzhinweis",
- "info7": "Changelog",
- "settingTitle1": "Anzeige",
- "settingTitle2": "Bedienung",
- "settingTitle3": "Daten",
- "setting11": "Fotos anzeigen",
- "setting21": "Bildquelle",
- "setting22": "Servereinstellungen",
- "setting31": "Als Datei exportieren",
- "setting32": "Aus Datei importieren",
- "option111": "Kamera",
- "option112": "Galerie",
- "option211": "Immer",
- "option212": "In Suche",
- "option213": "In Listen",
- "option214": "Nur im Rezept",
- "option311": "Exportieren",
- "option312": "Importieren",
- "infoField1": "Typ",
- "infoField2": "Version",
- "infoField3": "Größe",
- "infoField4": "Einträge",
- "menu1": "Teilen",
- "menu2": "Einkaufen",
- "menu3": "Hochladen",
- "menu4": "Löschen",
- "legalease": "Diese App unterliegt dem Urheberrecht des Entwicklers. Es gelten die Einschränkungen, Bedingungen und Berechtigungen der „BSD 2-Clause“ Lizenz. Lizenzen dritter sind unten beigefügt.",
- "noContentError": "Noch nichts zu sehen.",
- "noNetworkError": "Rezepte konnten nicht geladen werden.",
- "unknownError": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen.",
- "unknown": "Unbekannt",
- "removed": "Eintrag entfernt",
- "retry": "Erneut versuchen",
- "undo": "Zurück"
+ "category1": "Rezepte",
+ "category2": "Bewertet",
+ "category3": "Neu",
+ "category4": "Favoriten",
+ "category5": "Diese Woche",
+ "category6": "Abstimmung",
+ "category7": "Einkaufsliste",
+ "category8": "Einstellungen",
+ "category9": "Info",
+ "downloadSuccess": "Download erfolgreich.",
+ "explanation1": "Wann Rezeptfotos angezeigt werden",
+ "explanation2": "Woher Rezeptfotos ausgewählt werden",
+ "explanation3": "Bald verfügbar",
+ "explanation4": "Alle Daten ihrer App in eine Datei exportieren",
+ "explanation5": "Aus Daten aus einer Datei importieren",
+ "exportError": "Export fehlgeschlagen.",
+ "exportSuccess": "Export erfolgreich.",
+ "importError": "Import fehlgeschlagen.",
+ "importSuccess": "Import erfolgreich.",
+ "info1": "Version",
+ "info2": "Entwickler",
+ "info3": "Webseite",
+ "info4": "Quellcode",
+ "info5": "Datenschutzerklärung",
+ "info6": "Lizenzhinweis",
+ "info7": "Changelog",
+ "infoField1": "Typ",
+ "infoField2": "Version",
+ "infoField3": "Größe",
+ "infoField4": "Einträge",
+ "ingredientsAdded": "Zur Einkaufsliste hinzugefügt",
+ "ingredientsError": "Keine Zutaten gefunden",
+ "inputError": "Darf nicht leer sein.",
+ "inputHint": "Titel",
+ "legalease": "Diese App unterliegt dem Urheberrecht des Entwicklers. Es gelten die Einschränkungen, Bedingungen und Berechtigungen der „BSD 2-Clause“ Lizenz. Lizenzen dritter sind unten beigefügt.",
+ "menu1": "Teilen",
+ "menu2": "Einkaufen",
+ "menu3": "Hochladen",
+ "menu4": "Löschen",
+ "mode1": "Details",
+ "mode2": "Bearbeiten",
+ "noContentError": "Noch nichts zu sehen.",
+ "noNetworkError": "Rezepte konnten nicht geladen werden.",
+ "option111": "Kamera",
+ "option112": "Galerie",
+ "option211": "Immer",
+ "option212": "In Suche",
+ "option213": "In Listen",
+ "option214": "Nur im Rezept",
+ "option311": "Exportieren",
+ "option312": "Importieren",
+ "removed": "Eintrag entfernt",
+ "retry": "Erneut versuchen",
+ "setting11": "Fotos anzeigen",
+ "setting21": "Bildquelle",
+ "setting22": "Servereinstellungen",
+ "setting31": "Als Datei exportieren",
+ "setting32": "Aus Datei importieren",
+ "settingTitle1": "Anzeige",
+ "settingTitle2": "Bedienung",
+ "settingTitle3": "Daten",
+ "tapHint": "Überprüfen Sie ihre Downloads.",
+ "undo": "Zurück",
+ "unknown": "Unbekannt",
+ "unknownError": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen.",
+ "uploadError": "Upload fehlgeschlagen.",
+ "uploadSuccess": "Upload erfolgreich."
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_en.arb b/lib/l10n/app_en.arb
index e900b76..af3139f 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/app_en.arb
+++ b/lib/l10n/app_en.arb
@@ -1,250 +1,69 @@
"category1": "Recipes",
- "@category1": {
- "description": "A category name"
- },
"category2": "Rated",
- "@category2": {
- "description": "A category name"
- },
"category3": "New",
- "@category3": {
- "description": "A category name"
- },
"category4": "Favorites",
- "@category4": {
- "description": "A category name"
- },
"category5": "This Week",
- "@category5": {
- "description": "A category name"
- },
"category6": "Voting",
- "@category6": {
- "description": "A category name"
- },
"category7": "Shopping List",
- "@category7": {
- "description": "A category name"
- },
"category8": "Settings",
- "@category8": {
- "description": "A category name"
- },
"category9": "Info",
- "@category9": {
- "description": "A category name"
- },
- "mode1": "Details",
- "@mode1": {
- "description": "A name for a mode to view recipes"
- },
- "mode2": "Edit",
- "@mode2": {
- "description": "A name for a mode to edit recipes"
- },
"downloadSuccess": "Download successful.",
- "@downloadSuccess": {
- "description": "The text when a download succeedes"
- },
- "uploadError": "Upload failed.",
- "@uploadError": {
- "description": "The text when an upload fails"
- },
- "uploadSuccess": "Upload successful.",
- "@uploadSuccess": {
- "description": "The text when an upload succeedes"
- },
+ "explanation1": "When to show recipe images",
+ "explanation2": "Where should images be chosen from",
+ "explanation3": "Soon available",
+ "explanation4": "Export all data into a file",
+ "explanation5": "Import data from a file",
"exportError": "Export failed.",
- "@exportError": {
- "description": "The text when an export fails"
- },
"exportSuccess": "Export successful.",
- "@exportSuccess": {
- "description": "The text when an export succeedes"
- },
"importError": "Import failed.",
- "@importError": {
- "description": "The text when an import fails"
- },
"importSuccess": "Import successful.",
- "@importSuccess": {
- "description": "The text when an import succeedes"
- },
- "tapHint": "Check your downloads.",
- "@tapHint": {
- "description": "The notification hint to tap on it"
- },
- "ingredientsError": "No ingredients found",
- "@ingredientsError": {
- "description": "The text when no ingredients can be found in a recipe"
- },
- "ingredientsAdded": "Ingredients noted on shopping list",
- "@ingredientsAdded": {
- "description": "The text when the ingredients were added to the shopping list"
- },
- "inputError": "Must not be empty.",
- "@inputError": {
- "description": "The text when a specific input is left empty"
- },
- "inputHint": "Title",
- "@inputHint": {
- "description": "A hint text for an input field"
- },
"info1": "Version",
- "@info1": {
- "description": "A field name in the info panel"
- },
"info2": "Developer",
- "@info2": {
- "description": "A field name in the info panel"
- },
"info3": "Website",
- "@info3": {
- "description": "A field name in the info panel"
- },
"info4": "Source Code",
- "@info4": {
- "description": "A field name in the info panel"
- },
"info5": "Privacy Notice",
- "@info5": {
- "description": "A field name in the info panel"
- },
- "info6": "Legal notice",
- "@info6": {
- "description": "A field name in the info panel"
- },
+ "info6": "Legal Notice",
"info7": "Changelog",
- "@info7": {
- "description": "A field name in the info panel"
- },
- "settingTitle1": "Display",
- "@settingTitle1": {
- "description": "A title for a section in the settings"
- },
- "settingTitle2": "Operation",
- "@settingTitle2": {
- "description": "A title for a section in the settings"
- },
- "settingTitle3": "Data",
- "@settingTitle3": {
- "description": "A title for a section in the settings"
- },
- "setting11": "Show photos",
- "@setting11": {
- "description": "A setting"
- },
- "setting21": "Image source",
- "@setting21": {
- "description": "A setting"
- },
- "setting22": "Server settings",
- "@setting22": {
- "description": "A setting"
- },
- "setting31": "Export to File",
- "@setting31": {
- "description": "A setting"
- },
- "setting32": "Import form file",
- "@setting32": {
- "description": "A setting"
- },
- "option111": "Camera",
- "@option111": {
- "description": "A setting option"
- },
- "option112": "Gallery",
- "@option112": {
- "description": "A setting option"
- },
- "option211": "Always",
- "@option211": {
- "description": "A setting option"
- },
- "option212": "In search",
- "@option212": {
- "description": "A setting option"
- },
- "option213": "In lists",
- "@option213": {
- "description": "A setting option"
- },
- "option214": "Only in recipe",
- "@option214": {
- "description": "A setting option"
- },
- "option311": "Export",
- "@option311": {
- "description": "A setting option"
- },
- "option312": "Import",
- "@option312": {
- "description": "A setting option"
- },
"infoField1": "Type",
- "@infoField1": {
- "description": "A file info text field"
- },
"infoField2": "Version",
- "@infoField2": {
- "description": "A file info text field"
- },
"infoField3": "Size",
- "@infoField3": {
- "description": "A file info text field"
- },
"infoField4": "Entries",
- "@infoField4": {
- "description": "A file info text field"
- },
+ "ingredientsAdded": "Ingredients noted on shopping list",
+ "ingredientsError": "No ingredients found",
+ "inputError": "Must not be empty.",
+ "inputHint": "Title",
+ "legalease": "This app is subject to the copyright of the developer. The limitations, conditions and permissions of the “BSD 2-Clause” license apply. Third-party licenses are enclosed below.",
"menu1": "Share",
- "@menu1": {
- "description": "The text for a recipe drop down menu"
- },
"menu2": "Shop",
- "@menu2": {
- "description": "The text for a recipe drop down menu"
- },
"menu3": "Upload",
- "@menu3": {
- "description": "The text for a recipe drop down menu"
- },
"menu4": "Delete",
- "@menu4": {
- "description": "The text for a recipe drop down menu"
- },
- "legalease": "This app is subject to the copyright of the developer. The limitations, conditions and permissions of the “BSD 2-Clause” license apply. Third-party licenses are enclosed below.",
- "@legalease": {
- "description": "Some legal stuff"
- },
+ "mode1": "Details",
+ "mode2": "Edit",
"noContentError": "Nothing to see yet.",
- "@noContentError": {
- "description": "The text when no content can be displayed"
- },
"noNetworkError": "Error while fetching recipes.",
- "@noNetworkError": {
- "description": "The text when a server request fails"
- },
- "unknownError": "Something went wrong.",
- "@unknownError": {
- "description": "The text when an unknown error occurs"
- },
- "unknown": "Unknown",
- "@unknown": {
- "description": "The text when information is unknown"
- },
+ "option111": "Camera",
+ "option112": "Gallery",
+ "option211": "Always",
+ "option212": "In search",
+ "option213": "In lists",
+ "option214": "Only in recipe",
+ "option311": "Export",
+ "option312": "Import",
"removed": "Entry removed",
- "@removed": {
- "description": "The text when any entry is removed"
- },
"retry": "Retry",
- "@retry": {
- "description": "The prompt to retry"
- },
+ "setting11": "Show photos",
+ "setting21": "Image source",
+ "setting22": "Server settings",
+ "setting31": "Export to File",
+ "setting32": "Import form file",
+ "settingTitle1": "Display",
+ "settingTitle2": "Operation",
+ "settingTitle3": "Data",
+ "tapHint": "Check your downloads.",
"undo": "Back",
- "@undo": {
- "description": "The prompt to undo"
- }
+ "unknown": "Unknown",
+ "unknownError": "Something went wrong.",
+ "uploadError": "Upload failed.",
+ "uploadSuccess": "Upload successful."
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb b/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb
index 533984c..7db886b 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb
+++ b/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb
@@ -1,64 +1,69 @@
- "category1": "Рецепты",
- "category2": "Оценены",
- "category3": "Новые",
- "category4": "Фавориты",
- "category5": "Эту неделю",
- "category6": "Голoсование",
- "category7": "Список покупок",
- "category8": "Настроики",
- "category9": "Инфо",
- "mode1": "Детали",
- "mode2": "Писать",
- "downloadSuccess": "Загруска удолась.",
- "uploadError": "Загруска не удолась.",
- "uploadSuccess": "Загруска удолась.",
- "exportError": "Экспорт не удолся.",
- "exportSuccess": "Экспорт удолся.",
- "importError": "Импорт не удолся.",
- "importSuccess": "Импорт удолся.",
- "tapHint": "Проверьте свои загрузки.",
- "ingredientsError": "Ингредиенты не найдены",
- "ingredientsAdded": "Добавлено к записке",
- "inputError": "Не должно быть пустым.",
- "inputHint": "Заглавие",
- "info1": "Версиа",
- "info2": "Разработлик",
- "info3": "Сайт",
- "info4": "Исходный код",
- "info5": "Защита данных",
- "info6": "Юристическое уведомление",
- "info7": "Обновление",
- "settingTitle1": "Отображение",
- "settingTitle2": "Управление",
- "settingTitle3": "Даты",
- "setting11": "Показывать фото",
- "setting21": "Источник фото",
- "setting22": "Настроики сервера",
- "setting31": "Экспорт в фаил",
- "setting32": "Импорт из фаила",
- "option111": "Камера",
- "option112": "Галерея",
- "option211": "Всегда",
- "option212": "В поиске",
- "option213": "В списках",
- "option214": "Только в рецептах",
- "option311": "Экспорт",
- "option312": "Импорт",
- "infoField1": "Тип",
- "infoField2": "Версиа",
- "infoField3": "Размер",
- "infoField4": "Внесение",
- "menu1": "Выслать",
- "menu2": "Закупится",
- "menu3": "Загрузить",
- "menu4": "Удалить",
- "legalease": "Это приложение является объектом авторских прав разработчика. Применяются ограничения, условия и разрешения лицензии «BSD 2 Clause». Лицензии третьих личностей прилагаются ниже.",
- "noContentError": "Ешё пусто.",
- "noNetworkError": "Не удалось скачать рецепты.",
- "unknownError": "Что-то пошло не так.",
- "unknown": "Неизвестна",
- "removed": "Внесение удалёно",
- "retry": "Повторить попытку",
- "undo": "Назад"
+ "category1": "Рецепты",
+ "category2": "Оценены",
+ "category3": "Новые",
+ "category4": "Фавориты",
+ "category5": "Эту неделю",
+ "category6": "Голoсование",
+ "category7": "Список покупок",
+ "category8": "Настроики",
+ "category9": "Инфо",
+ "downloadSuccess": "Загруска удолась.",
+ "explanation1": "Когда показывать фото",
+ "explanation2": "Где искать фото",
+ "explanation3": "Скоро доступно",
+ "explanation4": "Экспорт всех данных в файл",
+ "explanation5": "Импортировать данные из файла",
+ "exportError": "Экспорт не удолся.",
+ "exportSuccess": "Экспорт удолся.",
+ "importError": "Импорт не удолся.",
+ "importSuccess": "Импорт удолся.",
+ "info1": "Версиа",
+ "info2": "Разработлик",
+ "info3": "Сайт",
+ "info4": "Исходный код",
+ "info5": "Защита данных",
+ "info6": "Юристическое уведомление",
+ "info7": "Обновление",
+ "infoField1": "Тип",
+ "infoField2": "Версиа",
+ "infoField3": "Размер",
+ "infoField4": "Внесение",
+ "ingredientsAdded": "Добавлено к записке",
+ "ingredientsError": "Ингредиенты не найдены",
+ "inputError": "Не должно быть пустым.",
+ "inputHint": "Заглавие",
+ "legalease": "Это приложение является объектом авторских прав разработчика. Применяются ограничения, условия и разрешения лицензии «BSD 2 Clause». Лицензии третьих личностей прилагаются ниже.",
+ "menu1": "Выслать",
+ "menu2": "Закупится",
+ "menu3": "Загрузить",
+ "menu4": "Удалить",
+ "mode1": "Детали",
+ "mode2": "Писать",
+ "noContentError": "Ешё пусто.",
+ "noNetworkError": "Не удалось скачать рецепты.",
+ "option111": "Камера",
+ "option112": "Галерея",
+ "option211": "Всегда",
+ "option212": "В поиске",
+ "option213": "В списках",
+ "option214": "Только в рецептах",
+ "option311": "Экспорт",
+ "option312": "Импорт",
+ "removed": "Внесение удалёно",
+ "retry": "Повторить попытку",
+ "setting11": "Показывать фото",
+ "setting21": "Источник фото",
+ "setting22": "Настроики сервера",
+ "setting31": "Экспорт в фаил",
+ "setting32": "Импорт из фаила",
+ "settingTitle1": "Отображение",
+ "settingTitle2": "Управление",
+ "settingTitle3": "Даты",
+ "tapHint": "Проверьте свои загрузки.",
+ "undo": "Назад",
+ "unknown": "Неизвестна",
+ "unknownError": "Что-то пошло не так.",
+ "uploadError": "Загруска не удолась.",
+ "uploadSuccess": "Загруска удолась."
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/views/settings_view.dart b/lib/views/settings_view.dart
index 9bbde49..367c1a6 100644
--- a/lib/views/settings_view.dart
+++ b/lib/views/settings_view.dart
@@ -35,11 +35,13 @@ class _SettingsViewState extends State<SettingsView> {
children: [
+ subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.explanation1, style: cDetailsTextStyle),
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.setting11, style: cDefaultTextStyle),
trailing: _buildShowPhotosDropDownButton(),
+ subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.explanation2, style: cDetailsTextStyle),
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.setting21, style: cDefaultTextStyle),
trailing: _buildPhotoSourceDropDownButton(),
@@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ class _SettingsViewState extends State<SettingsView> {
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.setting22, style: cDefaultTextStyle),
+ subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.explanation3, style: cDetailsTextStyle),
trailing: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.arrow_forward_rounded),
onPressed: null,
@@ -59,6 +62,7 @@ class _SettingsViewState extends State<SettingsView> {
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.setting31, style: cDefaultTextStyle),
+ subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.explanation4, style: cDetailsTextStyle),
trailing: ElevatedButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.option311, style: cOptionTextStyle.copyWith(color: cIconColor)),
onPressed: () async {
@@ -75,6 +79,7 @@ class _SettingsViewState extends State<SettingsView> {
title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.setting32, style: cDefaultTextStyle),
+ subtitle: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.explanation5, style: cDetailsTextStyle),
trailing: ElevatedButton(
child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.option312, style: cOptionTextStyle.copyWith(color: cIconColor)),
onPressed: () async {
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index e3c486f..3aadc7f 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ flutter:
# To add assets to your application, add an assets section, like this:
- assets/icons/icon.png
- - assets/articles/
# - images/a_dot_ham.jpeg
# An image asset can refer to one or more resolution-specific "variants", see